Chapter 10 Marriage Force by causes

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As Sand began to fall asleep with Rayleta in his arms. His ears began to twitch. But He didn't seem to be bothered by it. Sand's eyes finally closed but quickly jerked him awake. The sounds were not human or animal. Sand got up and put his shirt back on . Then walked over to the balcony that showed a forest in the distances. He noticed there was something in the distance staring at him.

It looked like a human shaped plant, but it disappeared . The feeling of his eyes playing tricks on him. Then the doors shut behind him. Sand then proceeded to get back into bed with his sleeping beauty. This creature came crawling up the house slowly devouring it. Rain happened to wake up around 2 in the morning. She felt the presences all around them.

She looked up and noticed it was crawling all around as she got up. Rain put on her slippers and tied her hair back. Rushing out the door. There happened to be a gaping hole in the ground with branches and nature coming through. Through the walls and even the windows. Rain was confused on what was going on. She tried to get to Lux's room. But the tree swang and grabbed hold of her. Covering her chances of escaping. The stretch of her arms she was thrown against the wall and tied there. She slowly lost consciousness.

The branches slowly crept upstairs and reached Rayleta who happened to be sound asleep. She woke up to it wrapping around her entire body and crushing her from moving. She then was dragged out of the room. But before she could scream for help. Her eyes turned into fear and her mouth was covered. Her hand tried reaching for Sand. Sand woke up to noticing she wasn't in his arms. Then his eyes wandered around as if he just realized what was happening. She had been dragged into the deep hole downstairs. Sand quickly raced down the stairs and found the huge hole branched out into the flooring. Rain had been fighting the branches as she was being trapped against the wall.Sand tried to break her free. But couldn't seem to be getting her loose.
" Damn it Rain, stay with me I have to find a way to get you loose." said Sand as he tried to get her loose.

Meanwhile at Lux's father's place he had Rayleta so far in his grasp. She woke up tied to a chair in a bedroom. A chambermaid waltzed on in and untied her. Rayleta rubbed her wrist from the ropes and took a second to stand up. Looking around she could smell blood, Fresh blood. Her stomach almost started feeling nauseous . Then she continued to walk to the window. There stood a mannequin with a red gown on it.

Rayleta looked at the Chambermaid and asked," Where ...... Where am I?"

" My mistress ; you're at Lord Kalic's Mansion . Your home miss." The chambermaid replied.

" Why am I even here? What's the purpose of kidnapping me?" asked Rayleta.

The girl bite her lip and then replied , " The lord would like you to have dinner with him, Alas he has provides the proper attire and will send for you. That's all I am able to disclose with you miss."

" Dinner?! Does he normally eat dinner with people he kidnaps. I refuse." Rayleta said with a snarl.

" Please miss, He has business he would like to discuss with you; at least hear him out I am sure its all well in the end." She replied the chambermaid.

Rayleta took a moment and noticed the young chambermaid was nervous. Rayleta also noticed her hands were covering her neck. As if she was threatened to confront Rayleta .

" Fine I will hear him out." She said with a sigh and a nod of her head.

The chambermaid sighed of relief and then bowed. Rayleta lifted her arms up for the chambermaid to assist her changing. She had to be still on guard for the fact it was the man who beat her and kidnapped her. Rayleta had no clue what was in store for her. The maid undressed her then redressed her in the gown. Rayleta could feel her breath stop as the corset was tightened. Once the maid was done. Rayleta looked at herself in the tri fold mirror. There was a reflection of her but not the maid.

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