Chapter 12 The Other half

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" Your the nightshade beast that rest inside her?" Sand asked looking at the both of them. He stood up looking up and down at her.

The likeness was uncanny. " I am indeed the human form of her, She is lucky I am there for her and to have someone to look after her. That I am grateful." She said.

Sand continued," You look so much like her. I mean it's kind of strange seeing you like this outside of her."

" She is weak , But in due time she will become powerful enough . You might see me more till then . My my she is lucky to have such a handsome boy looking after her. " replied the Night shade.

" It's my duty , My heart won't stop beating to the ends for her and will fight alongside her no matter what." He said walking over to Rayleta who was still asleep against the cave wall.

He kneeled down and touched her face gently as she remained sleeping peacefully. He noticed the cuts on her face towards her neck. Must of been when he scratched her from the back lash. Then Sand noticed the bite marks scarring over.

" Don't worry those won't be there forever , they will heal over time. The scratches might scar a little but she won't have the bite marks. Lucky we both were able to get that posion out of her. " Replied the Night shade in a reassuring.

She then looked out onto the rain. " But it will never be over. Remember to protect her because she will do whatever it takes to end the war. Before it even starts. " Her tone changed. As she turned to Sand.

He noticed her eyes were like dragon eyes. There was scales on her face. She then walked into the rain. Sand watched as she disappeared right through the rain. Rayleta began to stir and awaken. She noticed Sand was kneeled down to her.

" Sand.... Sand oh my gosh you're alright thank god. " She said quickly rushing him into a hug. Sand held onto her for a good while in a hug.

" Hey babe , yah I am always alright. As long as your breathing and in my arms I will fight through anything. I am just glad your safe." He said kissing her head.

Rayleta unlatched her self and stood up. She was still damped from the rain in her dress. Over around the shoulder blade. Sand noticed the markings of their people appear against her skin.

He then decided to stand up and pretend to not notice. " We should start heading home, I sense we aren't to far of course. " He stated.

Rayleta looked out onto the rain and replied , " Hmm. I managed to get you this far.Might as well walk in the soaking rain."

Sand took her hand and they started to walk in the rain home. Rayleta smelt the church smoke in the far off distances. Sands head was pounding from the aftermath. But Sand lifted Rayleta onto his back. Her ankles were still healing from all that bruising and running. He carried her all the way home.

" How is your eye doing? It seems like you let them hit you hard." Sand asked.

" He as always abused me even as a child I ask. Lord Kalic that is. I don't understand why and I hope to never will. I am just glad Rain didn't get involved. After his wife died he was lucky to get away from that. Thanks to Lux that is." Rayleta said getting down off his back.

Sand smiled and still slightly eyed her skin markings. She seemed to not notice them. He took off his jacket which was somewhat dry. Placed it over her like a gentleman. Rayleta wasn't as dry from everything as he was. It continued to rain as they approached the house. Rain came out running as she noticed they were coming back in one piece.

She quickly hugged Rayleta and then she walked with them inside. Rayleta sat there watching Rain examine his wounds and patching them up. Rayleta started blushing the moment Sand took his shirt off. Rain chuckled quietly. He was scratched up from the posion. She gently touched the spots that burned. She noticed Rayleta blushing and trying not to look at him. Sand noticed Rain was chuckling.

He was all confused. Then noticed Rayleta blushing at him. He then began to chuckle himself. Rayetta then got up so she could changed. The vines were still slightly over the house still. So she did have to uncover her trunk of clothes. Rain looked over Sand. Like he was in thought.

Rain chuckled in question ," Sand what's on your mind? "

" I met her other half today and then I saw markings amongst her skin that were similar to mine. " He said answering.

" Well once Ray is done getting changed then I will go up and see for myself . You say her other half what was your response?" She asked.

Sand looked over at her then at Sky who was in the room. " She seemed fine. But she also seemed distracted by many things. I mean she claimed that there's more to come. " He continued.

Sky butted in ," Well we best be ready whatever it is. We had known that since the beginning. "

Sand nodded as Rain walked upstairs with the first aid kit. Hoping Rayleta was dressed. She knocked on the door. Rayleta let her in and then sat on the bed brushing her hair. Due to her wearing a tank top. Rain had noticed the markings slowly appearing. As if tribal but attached and more steampunk then ever. Rain looked up at Rayleta as she tied her hair up.

" What is it Rain?" She asked noticing Rain staring at her.

Rain shook her head and smiled." It's nothing sis I am just glad your alright. I need to aid some of those wounds so they can heal properly."

" Of course Thank you and I am just glad you weren't hurt either, You would of been involved to be honest. " She said smiling.

" I might have to put you to sleep for some of this it could hurt. " Rain said sitting next to her.

Rayleta replied," My wounds really that deep?" She then saw Rain nodd. She lifted her sleeve that was attached to her arm. Rain used magic to put her temporarily to sleep. Rain then continued to mend her wounds. Lucky she was able to not react to the pain and she was able to work on her wounds without the squirming.

Once she was done Rain went back downstairs. Rain then grabbed a few books from her room then joined the rest of them . In the living room.

" She is resting from the aid. Luckly the wounds were repairable. The bite marks are gone thankfully. But Sands scratches have scared around the neck. Now on the other hand. That mark is from what I recall the time dimension. I would have to do a little more research on the matter." said Rain.

" I don't remember much I'm sorry my memory isn't good on the matter." said Sand. looking kind of down.

Sky smiled and said," Well you at least told us that they were there and also it is all right we are all safe."

 The three of them all grabbed some books around the room. Lux came into the room finding them. Looking at the books. His face was in a odd expression. Lux noticed Rain was handing Sand some notes she had taken upon the matter. Sand knew more then he had told them . But he continued to play along. Not knowing what would happen next

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