Chapter 9 Will I do what's Right

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Rain watched as Lux put Sand on the table in the basement. Lux then shut the door behind them. So that they could talk alone.

" Well he must have took a spilled to the head ; pretty hard." Rain said taking a look at him.

Lux looked at her as he got the aid kit," Yeah he did. Luckily we have the right stuff and know what do in this state has been in." He explained.

Rain then sighed and mentioned," They saw symbols of an apple with an arrow struck through it." Her back went towards the table where Sand rested.

"Dad? " cautiously asked Lux folding his arms.

" I bet it was after all we will always be fighting." She said looking at him with the sigh.

They both put their backs then to the table and had a moment to breath. The last thing they did was they looked at was each other in thoughts of whats going on.

"He won't stop till the deed is done, this won't stop till there is nothing left. We should take him to his bed. It sounds like they went to bed." replied Lux.

They both took him gently upstairs and put him to bed. Then they too decided to go to bed themselves. Everyone was exhausted and tired some. Not knowing how much trouble their paths will cross. Or even what they would be in for. Sleeping peacefully without little knowledge clearly. Rayleta woke up towards about mid afternoon. She decided to head downstairs. Grabbing something to drink. She decided to take a sea on the porch swing looking out onto the ocean view. Rayleta felt her wound that Sand gave her beginning to scar a little bite. But the pain was something she was willing to ignore.

Lux was on his way into the kitchen when he noticed her. Her face looked exhausted as she gazed out into the ocean. He decided that he was going to come check on her.

" Hey morning Ray . How you feeling?" He asked catching her attention.

Rayleta looked over at him and answeared softly," I am not sure , But I have a feeling that it won't be the end. "

" You have got that right it's complicated to explain right now what's going on." replied Lux as he sat down next to her.

Rayleta looked at him in silence then sipped her drink as she looked back onto the ocean. There wasn't much said for quite some time. The two of them sat there listening to the peace and quiet.

Lux then broke the silences and said," We will figure things out eventually.Ray I know it's all a blur. We can only figure out so much at a time. "

" I am aware of that , just don't know why it has to be us. Why can't we be normal or live a natural life. You know?" She said taking another sip and sighing.

"Sis , I know life hasn't been easy and it's all confusing. But at least we have each other through all of this." He said looking worried at her. Lux then got up and grabbed a blanket to put around her as her eyes were fixed on the ocean still.

He knew when she was needing peace or in thought. That she would need to be alone for the time being. Lux decided to go into town in order to find some more research material.

" Hey Ray do you need anything before I leave, I was going to head into town or something to see if I could find anything?" asked Lux looking at her.

Her exhausted face glanced at him and replied ," No thanks I might go swimming for a little bit or something, Help get my mind off things."

Lux smiled or at least tempted to smile at her and put his hand on her back for comfort.He knew all of this hasn't been easy on everyone. Being back in this world. Not knowing what was going to happen next. This world or path was so much unclear to all of then.

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