Google Translate Is Broken; The German Titles Were Fun While They Lasted

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i suck at updating i have no excuse im just bad. school is kicking my ass right now so sorry anyways love you guys y'all are super super cute <3<3<3

I can't do this.

I can't do this.

I can't do this.

"C'mon, you can do it!" Jeremy assures me, "It's just talking. That's all. You're good at that!"

"Talking to Rich isn't just talking, he's... like... he's scary! And capable of judo-flipping me! Would you trust a man who was capable of judo-flipping you?"

"You could probably judo-flip me, and I trust you wholeheartedly."

"You overestimate me."

Jeremy rolls his eyes, "Michael, it's fifteen minutes of you sitting down, talking, and then you never have to see his face again. Like never ever. You'll never hear the name Rich Goranski ever again."

Never having to hear the name Rich Government ever again was a nice thought, but it made me nervous anyway.

"Just get it over with, alright?" Jeremy sends me a reassuring smile. He hurriedly brushes the hair out of my face, frantically looks around to make sure no one was looking, and gives me a quick peck on the lips. "Love you, okay?"

"Jeremy, you know you don't have to check if people are around, we're both out."

"I-I don't know! We're in New Jersey, what if we get shot or something?"

"It isn't 1950, I'm sure we'll be fine."

Jeremy breaths out shakily and nods somewhat frantically, "Yeah, yeah, okay, you're right."

"Are you okay? You seem a little shaken up."

"You didn't... you didn't say 'I love you' back."

I roll my eyes, fake-irritated, but I couldn't help but smile, "I love you too, now go with Chris to the hospital, okay? I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

He nods, but he stays there for a while, just looking at me. He catches his breath for a moment before tensing slightly, and turning around curtly.

The restaurant that Rich and I agreed on probably wasn't the most efficient choice. It was more well known for take-outs and delivery than it is for actually sitting down and eating. Because of this, it was relatively small, and cramped. You could eavesdrop without even trying, which definitely was not a good thing, considering the negative opinions Rich have about me.

Not just that, but considering how cramped it was, people talked really loud in order to hear each other speak, which made trying to listen to someone tell you something important near impossible.

I see Rich sitting at one of the tables, and decide that going inside is probably the worst possible idea. I want Rich to have a good first impression of me, right?

...Well, I mean, that opportunity is already ruined. I guess my first impression was when we were 10, and that was him hopelessly trying to explain to me what being gay meant. If he put up with that back then, maybe that means he'll be even more tolerant now.

Or maybe he had a bad experience with a Chipotle waiter who looks remarkably like me, causing him to have a bias against anyone even remotely resembling said Chipotle waiter.

Nevertheless, I persisted. I walk into the restaurant, causing the little bell above the door to ring, while ultimately made Rich's eyes dart towards me. Not ideal.

He gives me a quick bro nod. Fuck, I'm gay, how does he expect me to know how to do the bro nod? Christine, the SHSL lesbian, tried to teach me how to do the bro nod for a while, and I was never able to pull it off. I try to remember what I learned.

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