Uh Oh pt.2

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This entire book can be summed up with "uh oh" but this is by far the biggest uh oh.

Honestly, after reading the last chapter you're probably left empty. Something along the lines of: "Oh Michael, how could you be so heartless?" Don't act like you wouldn't have done the same. I had no better option. Could the situation have been handled better? Yeah, sure. But it wasn't. No use crying over spilt milk.

However, trust me, if you're left feeling empty from the last chapter, then this one will sock you in the throat, I assure you.

My moms knew about Jeremy of course, but I never told them about the whole break-up thing.  Well. They knew Jeremy and I broke it off obviously,  but I never told them how it was broken off. They'd probably be just as mad as Chloe, and three Chloe's was the last thing I needed.

So four years passed and it was almost Christmas. We weren't a Christian family or anything, we were all agnostic, but we celebrated Christmas anyway, because presents.

  I was sitting in my room on Christmas Eve, scrolling through possible gift ideas on my laptop, and yeah, it was Christmas Eve and I still didn't have some of the gifts for a handful of my friends, which just shows how good I am at timing.

  Mama walked in through the door, without knocking, which was weird. Mom usually didn't knock, but Mama always did, so I instantly knew something was off.

  She stood there in the doorway for what seemed like hours, just smiling at me. Finally, she walked a bit closer. She had the typical sympathetic 'I'm about to say something that's going to ruin your life' expression. She put a hand on my cheek: "Oh, Michael..."

  "Yeah, Mama?"

"Oh, Michaelmichaelmichaelmichael—"

  I rolled my eyes thinking: 'Just ruin my day and leave.' "What is it?"

  Little did I know, that this wasn't just a little thing that was going to ruin my day, instead it was something that I thought was long forgotten.

  "You remember Jeremy?"

  Everything about me turned stiff. I almost threw my laptop out the window. I slammed my laptop down unexpectedly out of pure shock.

  "Well, uh, his dad called and..."


  "Jeremy has cancer, Michael."

  And I instantly want to vomit. I want to just pretend to be dead for five minutes so that mama can leave, call emergency services, and then funeral services will bury me alive, because this is honestly the last thing I wanted to deal with.

  "And?" I tried to sound calm, but it was obvious I was panicking. Mama didn't seem to notice though.

  "What do you mean and? You loved Jeremy for three years!"

  I wince. I wanted to just give in and tell her everything about how it was all a big lie, but I don't feel like I should unload that on her right now.

  "We don't talk anymore, though."

  She sighs, "Michael," by the way she says my name you can tell she's going to give me a lecture, "Jeremy doesn't have anyone at the moment. The only friend he has is that Chloe girl that you talk about sometimes, and by the way you talk about her Chloe doesn't seem the best with emotional support."

  I nodded solemnly.

  "I just want you to go visit him, that's all! Nothing more, nothing less, he really needs someone right now," she pat me on the back, which was so Mom-like and so unMama-like that I almost had a stroke.

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