23: Slipping

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Anika woke to Alex's screams. Carter and Harlee hardly budged during the middle of the night, however Alex was spooked easier then the boys. She and Harlee shared a crib, while Carter had his own. Anika sat up against her bed frame, feeding Alex to calm her. The men of the family had left three days ago, taking the boys to the city for an 'adventure'. The only boys left were Carter, Harlee, Mason, Aden, and Jack. All the young babies, and toddlers, ranging from 3 and 4. Anika was actually thankful Carter had someone to grow up with, not only her own children, but the others kids as well.

She carefully bounced Alex in her arms to get her to sleep, as she watched out the windows. It felt calmer without the other men, even without Jace. She wanted to pack herself and the kids into a car and drive, but she was currently on bed rest. Still having a hard time walking, and weak. Jace didn't want to leave her, but his father insisted.

Sandra, Jace's mother, was her saving grace. She had been reserved when Carter arrived, hardly helping with the newborn, but with these two she was ever so careful, and helpful. She brought Anika anything she needed, while also helping her with the babies. Sandra really was enjoying the grandmother role. Baking cookies for Anika, and Carter, while helping keep track of how often the babies were being fed, or changed, as well as there sleeping schedule.

By the time Anika was able to walk again the men had returned, but not empty handed. Not only did they have plenty of supplies for the homes, but food. Seasoning, vegetables, fruit, baked goods, new kitchen supplies, and meat. Three bodies, already cut into small enough chunks to freeze.

The young boys couldn't stop talking about their adventures, how they had helped pick out the victims, and kill them too. Max seemed happier, strangely, but she was happy to see him so full of life.

"So how was my kids and my wife?" Jace asked after dinner that night, he genuinely seemed interested. Anika smirked, as he brushed her hair behind her ear to help him see her face better.

"Well we finally found a sleep schedule, I mean I can walk again so thats nice. Alex and Harlee snuggle to sleep which I find particularly cute." She said matter of factly. He chuckled seeing Carter babbling to a stuffed bear and the newborns asleep in their crib. Wrapped in blankets. "Your mother has helped me a lot, and I actually am really grateful for her."

"Well Im glad. Honey, I have a bit of a surprise, but we can wait as long as you want."


"That house, the one in the center of the property well everyone wants us to have it, however only when you are strong enough to live outside of my mother and I's help."

"That.. That sounds amazing." She said, she was afraid of who she was becoming. Afraid of what she was saying, she was agreeing to live with him, just him. However his father did give her the creeps, and she wasn't sure how much longer she could stay living with all of the crazies. One was enough for her.

"So you are sure about this?"

"Yes. Yes. You know how much I have been wanting to live in a separate house, and we need the rooms space.

"That I agree with." Jace said as he picked up Carter, who had thrown four stuffed animals on the floor already. He kissed her lovingly as she took both babies in her arms.

"I want to prove to you how much I love you." She said. "I want to be the perfect wife."

He raised an eyebrow." You already are the perfect wife. We have three strong beautiful children that you help raise while I am out hunting, you know how to cook, you are obedient. You are perfect. You don't have to prove to me you are perfect, or a good mom and wife, because already you know how to love and support me."

She blushed, but knew she still had to prove herself at least eventually, to stay on his good list. "Thank you Jace, I know how much you love your family."

"I love you more." He replied. He was watching Alex from the corner of his eye, the newborn grabbing at nothing. "Does she cry a lot?"

"More then the boys yes, but she will get over it eventually." She replied. "So how was your adventure into the city?"

"Good, we are going to be going back in about a week. Max, his dad, my dad and myself."

"Oh why?" She asked.

"We want to get more supplies, get some furniture for our house." He replied, however the look in his eyes told her there was more to it. She didn't want to push it, she knew better then to. She was slowly learning to love this place, this family. He hugged her quickly, smiling again like he was crazy. She didn't want to ask, knowing if she did he may grow mad with her. She smiled and took Carter from him. Kissing the giggling child.

"Three." Jace said softly.


"I am just still surprised, but delighted to have three children." She smirked and nodded, seeing him gaze back out the window. There was something more, she knew it, but what?

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