I got into his personal space again, making sure to stay on his left side. Although I said I didn't care if he would use his fire, I didn't think he would. And even if he did, I was ready to counter.

I jumped sideways with a spin to avoid another pillar of ice. I jumped up during the turn, spin-kicking Todoroki in the face as I did so. I landed low to the ground a few feet away.

I looked at Todoroki to see him narrow his eyes at me as he held his jaw. I winked before jumping to avoid more ice pillars. My eyes widened when Todoroki suddenly came towards me, surfing on his ice.

I narrowed my eyes, a bit jealous. I couldn't use my darkness like that. It could come in many forms, but nothing that resembled ice.

I dodged more ice pillars as Todoroki started to circle around me, creating a small ice arena around us. It was similar to the one he created in the cavalry battle to trap Midoriya's team, but smaller this time.

He's not doing anything without ice, I realized.

I absorbed some darkness and used it to boost myself towards Todoroki.

"You rely on your quirk too much", I commented as I punched him square in the face.

I teleported away when more ice was sent my way. I vaguely registered Present Mic and Aizawa commenting on the battle as I looked around. I'd teleported outside of Todoroki's pretty ice arena, and now I didn't know from which side he would advance.

"Focus", Toyoda's voice went through my head.

Yes, Onii-chan. I will.

I closed my eyes, focusing more on sound and atmosphere than on sight. It was the same as I did back when I still trained with my big brother.

I jumped up when I noticed an ice pillar moving in my way. However, Todoroki had been hiding in the ice arena and jumped out of it. I was hit by a big wave of ice and slammed against the side of the ice arena with my back.

Damn, that was harder than I thought.

I slumped to the ground and grinned as I looked up at Todoroki, who was observing me from a few feet away. I coughed up some blood and got up.

This damn ice dome is in the way.

I teleported inside and quickly absorbed darkness before Todoroki could follow. Then I emitted it out of my palms at full power, splintering Todoroki's icey arena from the inside.

The half and half boy covered his face against the ice splinters, looking at me through his lashes. I looked at him when I was done with the ice arena and narrowed my eyes.

"Kill him."

My eyes widened when those two words went through my head. Merely a whisper, but still there.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. Then I absorbed more darkness and aimed at Todoroki. I sent a blast his way, like a laser canon. He created an ice pillar in front of him as defense. The ice shattered, but I couldn't reach Todoroki. He came surfing towards me, but I quickly jumped to the side of the stage, making sure to stay within the bounds.

"Kill him."

I absorbed more darkness and looked around. I'd observed Todoroki plenty of times, and he had a habit that I could perfectly use to my advantage.

I fired darkness at the composed boy continuously. It didn't reach him because of the ice he used to counter it, but that wasn't my intention anyway. I just wanted to push him back. I smirked when I saw what I wanted to see; a small wall of ice, made by Todoroki to prevent him from being pushed back further.

Before I Forget || Bakugo X fem! reader X Todoroki || DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now