Chapter 6 - Throwing Pens at the Devil's Target

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Daynah's POV:

  I don't know what had drawn Hannah to come back to the boys, but whatever it was it must've been a strong something. Hannah doesn't change her mind very easily, she's rather stubborn. 

   I was only here because Zayn said Harry needed my help. Harry really does love her, but she's just still so upset that her invisible tears are blinding her. Hannah wants Harry to understand what it's like to have your heart ripped out by someone you love. His plan is to find a way that he can be emotionally scarred in that way, and maybe win her back. Although, It's not going to be easy. 

   That's the only reason I was there, and when Niall came down the hallway screaming her name, I got shoved into a closet. How nice. 

   I glanced over at a sleeping Hannah, cuddled up to Niall on the bed at the opposite end of the room. Everyone had ended up crashing in Louis' room. It was now noon, and everyone was still fast asleep except for me of course. I lay beside Zayn, on one of the two beds, Harry and Louis as well as Liam were fast asleep on the floor. That can't be comfortable. 

   There was a knock on the door, and I got up to answer it. It was Paul, the boys' one of many security/management. 

   "Hey," I smiled. 

   "Uh, Hi. Who're you?" He asked, walking into the room spotting the sleeping boys and Hannah. 

   "Oh, I'm a friend of theirs." I replied, "I'm Daynah." 

   "Oh yes, Zayn talks a lot about you." He laughed, "It's a never ending explanation just about your hair." I blushed slightly at the fact that Zayn talks about me. 

   Paul went over to Niall in the bed with Hannah, and nudged him gently. No response. He nudged him harder. Still no response. 

   "Oh for the love of God, Niall get the hell out of bed!" Paul yelled at the Irish boy, who's eyes shot open. 

   "Sorry..." He said, tiredly closing his eyes again, "Niall isn't here at the moment. Try again later." He cuddled up to Hannah again who was still fast asleep, and he fell asleep again. I held back my laughter.

   Paul rolled his eyes, and pulled an airhorn out of the bag he was carrying. I covered my ears instantly as he pressed the button on the top of it. Niall and Zayn both fell off their beds, Harry stumbled to his feet, Liam covered his ears and Louis started shouting "It's jehova's witness! Ruunn!!" But Hannah on the other hand didn't look too pleased. 

   Paul put the airhorn back in his bag and smiled. 

   "BLOODY HELL!" Liam exclaimed, "What was that for?!" 

   "Well I have to wake you up somehow don't I?" Paul laughed, Hannah just glared at him. 

   "Hannah stop that you look like death, with your hair all messy and that face you got goin' on," Louis made a 'judging you' face at her, "It's not very attractive." 

   "I apologize for not looking like a beauty queen the second I wake up." She huffed. 

   "Apology accepted!" Louis beamed, cheerfully before throwing on a hoodie. Hannah grabbed one of the pop cans from last night, and threw it at him. 

   He glared at her, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful." He said, snapping his fingers in a Z-formation. I let out a loud laugh, not being able to contain it anymore. Hannah then began to glare at me. 

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