Chapter 14

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One week later
Marty's POV
I invited all my friends to the funeral. I just couldn't believe she was really gone. I've been living at my grandparent's house since she passed away.

After the funeral was finished, we all went home. Buffy and Sandra stayed with me. "I can't believe that this is real. Please tell me that this is all just a terrible nightmare. Please." I said as I shut my eyes, letting the tears flow out of my eyes.

Buffy put her hand on mine and said, "I'm sorry you have to go through this. When my dad passed away, I was so heartbroken. Heartbroken isn't even the word to describe it. It was more than that, much more. A million times worse. I couldn't believe that he died. For months, I just couldn't take it. But luckily, I had my friends and my family to help cheer me up. To make me feel less alone. I can't even describe what I felt the day I found out. But eventually, it got easier because I was with the ones that I loved. They were alive and they were there with me. To support me. It's all just a part of life. I know it sucks. Horribly. But at least you still have some of your loved ones."

I sniffled and whispered, "Thank you, Buffy." She pulled me into a hug. It seemed to last for a while, but eventually she pulled away as she was getting a phone call. "Sorry, I have to take this." I nodded and she headed out the door.

Sandra held my hand now. She rubbed circles onto my palm with her thumb. "I'm sorry, Marty." She whispered. "You don't have to be sorry for me." I replied and we stayed silent for a while until Sandra leaned in and kissed me. I quickly pulled away. "What are you doing?" I asked her. "I'm sorry. I just- I'm sorry." she struggled with her words. Then she left.

Amber's POV
I was sitting outside by myself. Andi was in her bedroom and I just felt like being alone for a while. It was like that for a while, until Bex interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey." She said. "Hey." I replied. "What are you thinking about?" She asked me. "Stuff." I said to her. "What kind of stuff? If you don't mind me asking." She said. "My brother. What it'd be like if my mom would just accept us for who we are. That kind of stuff." I said quietly.

"She'll come around some day. You just have to be patient." She told me. I sighed and shook my head. "No she won't. She's always been like this. One day, TJ had a pink shirt and she yelled at him and told him that he shouldn't be wearing that color because it was a girl color!"

"Oh. I'm sorry." She said. "It's ok. At least my dad accepts us. He's been doing everything he can to buy us another house so we can live with him." "I'm glad." "Me too. But I'm going to miss hanging out with you all every day." I told her. She smiled and said, "Me too." We hugged and then separated. "Now go to sleep. It's pretty late." She said. I agreed and did as she told me.

Marty's POV
I contemplated on telling Buffy what had happened between me and Sandra.

Once she was done with her phone call, she came back into the house and said, "What's up with Sandra? She practically stormed out."

"She kissed me." "What? She- She kissed you?" I nodded. "Just when I was beginning to like her." She said. "I'm sorry." I told her. "For what? You didn't do anything wrong. What happened after she kissed you?" She asked me. "I pulled away and then she said she was sorry and ran away. I just don't understand why she would kiss me." "Well, obviously she likes you. Or else she wouldn't have kissed you." "Yeah but why today? Today of all days? She just had to bring even more pain into my life. I just lost her as my best friend."

"No you haven't." "Yes I have. It's not going to be the same anymore. She was like a sister to me! And now she kissed me. My sister!" "Ok, as much as I hate her right now and hate that I'm defending her, she's not your sister." "Well, she might as well be! She's been there with me through all the ups and downs since we were little!"

"Ok, you have a point." She told me. "So what are you going to do?" "I'm going over to her house to clear everything up." "Ok. Can I go with you? I'm just going to have a nice, friendly conversation with her." She said with an evil smile. "Yeah, I know what your version of nice friendly conversations are and my answer is no." I told her. "Ok, fine." She said as she rolled her eyes.

When I was at Cyrus's house, I knocked on the door. Bowie didn't leave until he knew I was inside. I waved goodbye at him and he waved back. Cyrus's parents weren't home, so we had the house to ourselves.

"You want to watch a movie?" Cyrus asked me. "Sure." I said, nodding my head. I microwaved some popcorn while Cyrus was searching for a movie. He put on a movie called Shazam. It was about this boy who turns into a Superhero. The main character looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't pinpoint who he looked like.

Cyrus planted his head on my shoulder, and I put my arm around his waist. I had some butterflies in my stomach. That seemed to happen to me every time I'm with him. It was such a wonderful feeling to be in love.  "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." He whispered back.

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