Chapter 15: Pretend Haters

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"Erh... Sanne... What are you doing?" He says against my lips.

"I don't know. Nothing I do lately makes much sense."

"Ouch, that hurt my feelings. Why don't we go inside and have a chat?"

I hold Lachlan's hand and bring him to my bedroom instead. He lays down on my bed, over the covers, and I join him.

"What's going on?" He caresses my hair in his usual soothing way.

I relay my conversation with Rose and he listens without interrupting. He's so still that I lift my head to check he hasn't fallen asleep, and find him staring at the ceiling and deep in thought.

"It all makes even more sense now," he finally speaks. "Those guys at the club talked about someone named Will. They were most likely talking about Willow."

"What did they say exactly?" I sit on the bed and stare at him.

"That Will can take over the club in the meantime. I honestly thought they were talking about one of them."

"We definitely need to talk with the team, but more than anything we need to find out how Willow became the new captain."

"Do you think she banged Cooper?"

"She's gay, but it wouldn't surprise me if she goes to that extent. Is it crazy that I have all these puzzle pieces in my head, but I can't put them together? At least not without proof."

"Maybe I can help you there. You know I'm good at solving puzzles."

Lachlan's warm smile is soothing and reassuring.

"Over breakfast. I can tell you all the details then."

"Oh, okay. Try to rest and I'll see you in the morning."

He begins to stand up from the bed and I hold his arm.

"I didn't say you had to leave."


The first thing my eyes focus on when I open them is the pile of clothes on the floor. The warmth radiating from Lachlan's body makes me feel at home for the first time in this strange town. I turn to look at him and enjoy how peaceful he looks in his sleep. His hair is growing again and a lock falls over his cheek, I brush it aside and wake him up.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to disturb you."

He gives me a sweet kiss on my forehead. "It's okay. I don't mind."

"I can't believe we did what we did last night."

"What can I say? You seduced me," he says, making me laugh.

"And it was so difficult."

Lachlan and I get dressed and he drives us to a breakfast place he frequents. The place is tiny and filled with hanging plants in pots; six tables that fit four people each at the most are crammed in the space. A woman wearing a hot pink kaftan comes through a beaded curtain and smiles at us.

"Hello you," she says to Lachlan. "You brought company."

"Myrtle, this Sanne. Myrtle owns this place and makes heavenly pancakes."

"I could eat some pancakes," I smile at her.

"You won't regret it. She's prettier than you said she was."

The woman turns around and leaves a cloud of perfume in the air. I watch Lachlan turn a shade close to the kaftan's colour.

"She asked me once about where do I come from. One thing led to another..."

"It's okay," I hold his hand over the table.

"Sanne, I don't want to jump the gun but are we... You know... Together?"

"Baby steps, Lachlan," I pat his hand. "Now tell me the solution to this whole Cooper mystery."

"I don't have a solution. More like a collection of clues. What I'm missing is the motive."

"Wait! What does that have to do with Cooper and the club?"

"Everything. I don't know the guy at all, but based on what you've told me, he isn't a bad guy, just an idiot. He is a good coach, but a bad administrator. After you told me you were playing again, I checked the team stats. Besides the last two years, the Foxes have either won the championship or finished second. Cooper has been training the team for the past six seasons and assisted many years before taking over. I've been to the club a few times and he has the laziest bartender and only chips and nuts to eat. The club isn't making money because of low attendance and lousy service."

"Makes sense. You can do one or the other, especially if he's on the field with the team."

"Oh, thanks Myrtle," he says as she places a coffee pot and syrup in front of us. "Then we have Will, or Willow, who's probably plotting against Rose."

"That's the part I don't get. They were friends."

"Only friends?"

"You mean- No, I don't think those two had anything together."

"Maybe it was a one-sided thing," he shrugs as he adds sugar to his coffee cup.

A gasp escapes me when I realize what it could mean. Willow befriended me the moment I set foot on the club, talked shit behind Rose's back, most likely sent those flowers to us both and now took over as the team's captain.

"She wants Rose to feel jealous..."

"Very well possible, and now what I miss is how Willow's name is linked to the club management."

Myrtle comes back with two plates stacked with pancakes and bacon. I nibble on a piece but nothing comes to mind, except something else.

"Is this place open for dinner?" I ask Lachlan.

"No, only until lunchtime," Lachlan says and watches me with curiosity.

"Myrtle? Can you host a group during an evening?" I ask while she applies lipstick to her already pink lips.

"What kind of group?"

"My football team, about twenty people. I promise we'll buy food and drinks."

Myrtle seems to make calculations in her head. "Coffee and homemade cake enough?"

"More than enough. Is Wednesday at eight in the evening good?" She nods. "I'll let Rose know the address to discuss the situation with the team. Without Willow. Thanks, Myrtle, I totally understand why Lachlan is a fan."

I take my phone out and send a quick message to Rose. She replies quickly that she's on it and I return to my breakfast.

"On your question from before. We are dating. That's our new status. You deserve it after all of this."

"And I'm okay with that," he leans over and kisses my lips.

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