Chapter 2

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Hermione's POV

She blinked back the tingly, burning feeling from her eyes. She would not give him the satisfaction of seeing her crying in public. But she couldn't go back to the train carriage. Not now. Not with Ron's little sister there. She knew that Ginny was her best girl friend and she didn't want to lose her, but where would Ginny's loyalties lie... with Ron, or her?

She stumbled down the corridor, towards the toilets, ignoring all the eyes on her as she passed different train carriages. Then she passed a carriage that seemed to be empty. Maybe she would just stay here for the rest of the journey, read a book. Be alone.

Draco POV

He put his head in his hands. Merlin. Pansy was going to kill him one day. And his father would have favoured her to marry him. He snarled under his breath. Never, ever, ever would he tie himself to that hag. At least now he had some peace. Some time so he could be himsel-

The door swung open and a familiar figure stepped in, shutting the door quickly behind her. I spoke too soon.

"What are you doing in here?"

Trust her to start on the offensive straight away.

"I think, sweetheart, that question is one that I may ask you."

She blushed. Only then did Draco notice her red eyes.

"What happened?"

She blanched. "W-what do you mean what happened?"

Hermione never stuttered.

"It was the ginger git, wasn't it? The long-nosed bean sprout of a prat."

She hung her head. "It's nothing," She finally whispered. "Just... we just broke up."

Draco snorted. Hermione looked up, shocked.

"If I were you I would be leaping for joy. After all, he isn't exactly a catch, is he."

"And you are?"

"Why, yes, I do believe I am. Half the girls in the school asked me to that blasted Yule Ball, and I ended up with Pansy Parkinson. Father said I had to." Draco's voice turned bitter at the end, his mouth squishing sideways into a grimace.

"You father can choose who you date?" Hermione said, sounding incredulous. Draco shot her a withering look.

"Have you met Lucius Malfoy?"

Hermione subsided, looking thoughtful and a bit worried. Eventually, she just said "How do you stand living with him?"

"Because I must. I will protect my mother against anything, especially Father."

Hermione went white and nodded.


Draco realised what he had just said and immediately regret it afterwards. He had spilled his life out to Hermione Granger! Why?

Hermione POV

Hermione then realised she was actually having a civil conversation with Draco Malfoy. What has gotten into her? She didn't exactly have the energy to throw insults at him right now anyway.

"Um...Sorry, I think I have to go", she quietly mumbled and stepped out of the carriage. She was about to head to the toilet but instead inspected herself in a nearby glass window of the train and saw herself. She didn't have red, puffy eyes anymore that showed she was in tears a few minutes ago so she headed back to find Ginny and Harry before any suspicion was raised.

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