Chapter 15

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Hermione almost sprinted out of double Potions. Too much too much she thought. She was still off balance from him opening up to her. He trusted her... She was so busy thinking, she didn't watch where she was going.

"Oi!" Someone shouted, right near her ear. Hermione turned, her anger flaring, to face -


Ron's eyes widened then he scowled at her. Hermione merely wrinkled her nose as if she smelt something bad. That made the tips of Ron's ears go red.


Hermione tossed her head. She had no time for this. "Oh, nothing." she said, sidestepping past him, only to have her arm caught in Ron's grip. She wrenched her sleeve from his grasp. "What do you want?" she said frostily. Ron narrowed his eyes.

"Why're you sticking your nose up at me? Am I not good enough for you?"

Hermione stuck up her chin. "Yes." she said blandly. "Now, if you'll excuse me - "

"No I won't excuse you!" Ron shouted. "You whore yourself out to Malfoy and you suddenly think you're the fucking Queen of England!"

Hermione took a step back. "Um Ron? I actually don't. And you shouldn't swear, there are first years here."

Ron leant down into her face. "You're just a stupid bitch."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "A stupid bitch that beats you in every single exam and is tracked to become Minister of Magic. As opposed to a really clever little weasel-boy, who can't even make his own dinner because he relies on his mummy too much."

Ron flushed angrily. "Mudblood!" he yelled. There was a sudden hush in the hall. Hermione felt the air rush out of her lungs. Then something came shooting past Hermione and hit Ron full in the chest.

"Levicorpus!" Draco shouted. Ron swung up into the air as if some giant had a hold of his ankle. He passed red and went purple with rage, but his wand had skittered across the floor far away from him and besides, Ron had never been very good at wandwork.

Draco slowly sauntered up to where Ron was dangling. He snorted disgustedly, then turned to Hermione. "Want to say anything?" he asked cooly. Hermione nodded slowly. She walked up to the redhead and looked him dead in the eye.

"You are nothing. Nothing to me." she said, enunciating every syllable very carefully. "I remember a time where the roles in this situation were reversed," she said gesturing to Draco and Ron. "But at least now one has improved," she went on, looking at Draco. Then she turned back to Ron, a sneer on her face. "And the other is nothing but a dirty, low-down, cheating bastard."

And with that, she walked away. She listened to the other students murmur, listened as they muttered her name again and again. Suddenly there was a thump, then a collective gasp. She swung around, wondering what was happening now. Then she gasped too. Harry and Draco stood, shoulder to shoulder, over Ron's sprawled body on the floor. Then, as one, they spat on his face. Harry looked at Draco. Draco looked at Harry. Identical smirks, small but still there, spread on to their faces. Harry looked back down at Ron. "Never, ever speak to Hermione in that way again. I've had enough of seeing her get pushed around by you. Enough. Is. Enough." he said, his voice filled with scorn and rage. The he turned, his green eyes flashing. They searched the crown until they found Hermione and only then did Harry relax.

"Later, Malfoy." he said, thoughtfully. Draco didn't speak, but he nodded his head, looking slightly shocked at his own acknowledgement of Harry. On the floor, Ron began to arise. Without looking behind him, Harry sent a silent curse at the ginger boy, who collapsed back onto the floor. During his life, Hermione thought sadly, Harry had become very good at sensing when someone was trying to attack him. She finally found her voice again.

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