
"-yes so that's what they were saying, and I don't see a problem with it actually, but since you're part of this family you must also take charge of some of our responsibilities. How about you work on regulating the treatment of our servers, including the soldiers and the training camps... Taehyung?" Miyeon snapped her fingers in front of the lost boy in front of her.
They were seated together on the dining table, supposedly having breakfast but Taehyung hadn't even had a single bite.

"Taehyung dear, what's wrong with you, you seem so out of it this morning. Usually you're so bright and lively. Taehyung? Hello?

"Y-YES?" Taehyung jerked up and noticed how weird he must've seemed acting this way.
"Sorry mother, there's just a lot on my mind."

"Aww my cutie darling don't worry we all have times like these, perhaps sharing a little with me would help." She smiled and ruffled the boy's silky blonde locks.

"O-okay, this might sound weird, but Jungkook's been acting really strangely. I don't think he slept last night, and I'm not sure what I've done but he seemed to be, almost, afraid of me. W-why?"

"Hahaha Taehyung why worry about this kind of stuff, just talk to each other and you'll figure it all out. And he's a weird kid so just ignore him for now, I'll check on him if you want. You should eat your breakfast before it gets cold, I can call for a maid to warm it again if you'd like."

"No thank you, it's alright. And, are you sure everything will be fine?" There was immense worry in his tone."

"I'm positive, after all, last night must have been overwhelming for you both." She winked and gave Taehyung a brief hug like he was a teddy bear, then headed off to find Jungkook.

What is Jungkook doing, he's making my precious Tae worried. Just wait till I catch you troublesome son.


By the time it was afternoon the entire palace was chillingly tense, everyone would smile at Taehyung sweetly, but no one would come near him. He wasn't sure what was going on but he patiently waited for someone to tell him what was happening.

Miyeon, Jin and Namjoon were busily roaming the palace library for any books on omegas. Since they were so rare now, they could only rely on written texts to understand what an omega was, they weren't sure whether an omega truly was the image they'd had in their head and been taught about their entire lives.

An hour passed.

Two hours.

Three and a half.

"OH MOTHER! NAMJOONIE! LOOK WHAT IT SAYS HERE!" He had an ancient looking script in his hands.

The page read:

An ultimate omega:
They have very distinctive features; blonde or grey hair, blue eyes when their omega side is activated.
It is said their strength is almost equal to that of an alpha, and once mated they become a vital part of their alpha's life, aiding in both physical fights and intelligence.
A true gem to our society.
The previous dated ultimate omega is Park Meena, the previous ruler of the kingdom of Wondrelsa.
The best way to tell if you have suspicions of a possible ultimate alpha:
> blonde/ grey hair
> electric blue eyes
> strength equal to an alpha
> (possible but not proven yet) fangs
> scent of peaches and cream
> tears have a slight shimmer
KEY! : a floral birthmark resembling a flower on the wrist. The position and type of flower is said to vary.

If any suspicions confirmed send a letter to the palace, a reward of 100, 000, 000 gold coins.

Jin finished reading it out.
They all stared at each other in awe.

"The only way to find out for sure is to test Taehyung then. This is our checklist, let's look out for what it says here and only when we're sure we'll tell Jungkook."

They all nodded.

"Ah look on the other side it's all about the ultimate alpha! We should definitely check if we match the conditions for that one day haha." Miyeon said.

"Yes you're right! Well, guess it's a few centuries too late to claim the reward hehe- ow!" Namjoon smacked his back and laughed as they left the library.

The mission had started: was Taehyung an ultimate omega?

Mission success or not? Hehe thanks for supporting and reading!
Love you 💜

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