Chapter 11: Lunch

Start from the beginning

"Your eyebrows said it for you. That we don't get along doesn't affect my opinion that she knows what she's doing and is one hell of a player. Anyway, I'm going home and hope to forget it all under a hot shower. Maybe Cooper will pull his head out of his ass and bring Rose back to the field for training next week."

"I was hoping you could join me for lunch."

"You must be insane. Crazier than Cooper and his crap decisions."

"I want to be your friend again, Sanne. I need a friend here."

"No one told you to move here, especially to this god damned town filled with strangers."

Lachlan's face falls with disappointment and I feel bad and guilty for being harsh to him. I understand first hand how loneliness feels, it's the reason I joined this stupid sports club.

"Okay, I'll have lunch with you," I sigh and he gives me one of those brilliant smiles that makes my belly all warm. "Let me go home and get clean first. Where should I meet you?" I try to sound all business-like to not show any more weaknesses.

"What about the little cafe nearby? The one with the white iron chairs with the pink flowers."

"Oh, hell no! That's Willow's territory, that's the new captain. She already wanted to involve me in gossip in there. I'm sorry, but I don't want to be anywhere near her right now."

"All right, I will message you an address. It's a simple place with good food close to my new apartment. I'm kind of a known face around there."

"I warn you that the lunch won't make it past the restaurant."

"I know..." He says in a low voice that pains me, and walks away.

Lifting my duffel higher on my shoulder, I head towards my car. The parking lot splits the women's club from the men's. A figure running among the guys calls my attention; fast, fierce. Rose trains with the male team and I'm amazed at the fact that she's as skilled as them. If Cooper watched this, he would realize his mistakes. After I've watched for a while, I realize that I need to hurry up or Lachlan would have to wait long for me.

After I get home and take a well-needed shower, I get dressed and check the address Lachlan messaged me which so to see it's at the opposite side of the town. At least that gives me some relief to know that our paths won't cross too often.

When the navigation says I've reached my destination, I take a minute to take in the place. Quiet cream buildings surround me which have potted plants or small gardens in front. I spot the restaurant called Serendipity a bit further up the street and as I walk inside, Lachlan stands up to call my attention.

"You made it! I thought for a moment that you changed your mind," he says as he pulls a chair for me.

"I got distracted and then considered taking a nap in the shower. Didn't know I felt so tired."

"Maybe you are getting sick."

"Don't say that, not even as a joke."

"Well, you have that red line under your eyes. That was usually the first sign. Unless you've been crying which I know you don't do often."

I don't cry often, but when Lachlan left me I caught up.

"Maybe I scrubbed my face too hard. What's good in here?"

Lachlan shows me his favorite things on the menu and then we catch up about his new life in Greenwood.

"I'm getting more work than I anticipated. Word got out of the years I spent restoring furniture at the museum and people are asking specifically for me. I feel flattered, but in the end I'm just a carpenter who knows how to remove old crap from wood."

"You are much more. I've seen you restore tears in fabric and straighten bent brass handles. Remember the last Christmas party we went together? I had a chat with your boss and he basically had a professional crush on you. I felt so proud."

The words had left my mouth before I could take them back. Lachlan looks at the table with a slight tint on his cheeks and a small smile.

"You were the prettiest woman in that room. I felt so lucky to have you."

I don't know what moves me to hold his hand. Nostalgia, maybe? Certainly not pity. Lachlan was a good boyfriend. It was only when he came home after a night out with more than just a few beers in his body. It bothered me, but I didn't know what to do to help him, so I turned a blind eye. I guess that is why it took me by surprise when he left me, because I would never thought he would.

"I could offer you a decent cup of coffee at my place, but I know you don't want to go there. The food here is quite tasty, but the coffee is plain terrible," he chuckles.

"I accept the coffee offer."

Lachlan looks confused at the sudden change, but recovers as quickly. He gets some notes out of his wallet and places them on the table, not even waiting for the check.

"I live just across," he says as I gather my purse.

I follow him to one of the cream buildings and instead of using the main door, we go through a tiny alley on the side and stop at a door on the ground floor.

"It's a renovated basement, but it has all I need."

Lachlan opens the door and lets me go first. He's always been a neat guy and still shows in the way his studio is organized. A big bed takes most of the space and is surrounded by smaller furniture.

"Get comfy on the bed, I don't have space for a couch. Otherwise sit here," he points at a bistro set by the kitchen.

Between the hard chair and the bed, I pick the edge of the bed. He hands me the remote and heads to the kitchen where I hear some clinks and then the spluttering sounds of a coffee maker.

"Here you go," he hands me a black mug while I browse the channels.

Lachlan and I continue talking and remembering our life together in Amsterdam, barely watching the TV.

"You will probably slap me for saying this, but I still love you, Sanne. I don't think my feelings for you will ever go away."

I take a deep breath, cup his cheek and kiss his lips lightly. I'm still upset with him, but I don't think mine will ever go away either.

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