-Time SKip--

Aizawa-sensei shows the list for what people placed in the test. In the last place is a kid named Mineta, which by guessing, based on peoples reactions, that this is the purple haired kid. He looks at the ground in shame.

"I'm not expelling anyone today, that was a lie to make you do better" Aizawa-sensei reveals, calming the kid down. He releases us for lunch and I head back to the locker room. Once Shouto, Kacchan, and I are done getting back into our uniforms, we head to the principal's office, to meet with all might and Nezu, the Principal.

once we get here, I knock on the door. the sound of someone saying Come in lets me open the door. There is All Might and a small animal like creature sitting together. Shouto and I sit on the couch across from them while Kacchan picks the chair next to the couch.

"This is Nezu, the principal," All might says, pointing at the animal.

"My name is Midoriya Izuku, To my right is Todoroki Shouto and in the chair is Bakugo Kasuki," I say, introducing us. All might gets covered in a steam of smoke and out comes a smaller man.

"My real name is Toshinori Yagi, but in hero form, I go by all might" The man, now Toshinori, says. It hits me that all might isn't the same anymore. This means that soon he will need to retire.

"I wish to know more about your quirk young Midoriya," He says.

"My quirk is called Adaptability, it can adapt to be anything I need in a time of moment if I can think of it, that's how I had wings and electricity while this morning I used it to float a ball forever, the only downside of it is that if I need healing, I cant accelerate my healing of my body. So serious bodily harm can kill me if I forget to try to keep myself alive at the moment" I tell them, rubbing my hand against the scar on my arm from a fight I had.

All Might Toshinori looks over at Nezu and they share a look.

"Young Midoriya, I am in need of someone to take my place, as my time as a hero is coming to an end. Due to an injury years ago, my time spent in my All Might for is getting smaller and smaller each day. Young Midoriya, I wish you to be my successor." All might asks of me. I look at Shouto.

My mission for the school was to get All Might's attention and steal his quirk, but this is perfect. I can just do it this way. Shouto nods, knowing what the plan is. I turn back to All might.

"Yes, I will be your successor All Might!" I say. He turns back to all might.

"My quirk is named One-For-All. It is a quirk that can be transferred to other people with DNA transfer" All Might says. He reaches up to his head and pulls off a hair. He holds it out to me.

"Here, Eat this!" He says. I stare at him like a deer in headlights. I take the hair and shove it down my throat, washing it down with a glass of water. I can feel the quirk coming to me, but I restrict it down slowly so I can wait until later to finally take it all.

"Oh would you look at the time, lunch is almost over, you kids must head back to class," Nezu says. We stand up and head towards the door, saying our goodbye's and leaving. I let Shouto and Kacchan go ahead of me, seeing how I still needed to talk to the principal.

"Can I talk to you before heading to class Nezu?" I ask. All might leaves as I sit back down.

"This morning, when I walked into class. I found that another kid taped another student to a wall. Apparently, the one taped to the wall had tried to do something perverted that I am not going to say to one of the girls in my class, Momo. I wanted to tell you this because I don't believe that this is right for a hero-in-training to be doing" I tell him. He nods and sends me on my way.

I reach class and walk over to Shouto. He is leaning against his desk, the class surrounding him and Kacchan asking why they weren't at lunch. I get through the crowd and lean up to Shouto, knowing that crowds make his anxiety kick in. I kiss him right on the lips, calming him down and showing everyone that he is mine.

When we break apart, we sit down and everyone separates, still surprised at what I did. We sit in silence, waiting for all might to come and teach the class. The door bursts open, and All Might runs in.

"Welcome to Hero 101, where you will learn the basics of being a hero, today is a capture exercise." He says. All might points a remote at a wall and presses a button, cases with numbers come out of the wall.

"Get dressed in your hero outfits that you submitted and meet me at ground beta." He says before running out of the room. Shouto and I grab our corresponding cases and head to the locker room.

My outfit is a dark green, skin-tight suit, with an open back and fingerless black gloves that reach just below my elbow. I have boots that also reach just below my knee. On my waist is my utility belt. On that belt is a pocket for small objects, 2 pockets for knives, and a pocket for a smoke grenade. Covering my face is a green blindfold, that is see-through on one side and a mouth mask with a voice module to change my voice.

All might pairs people up, and I end up with shouto. For the first fight, he puts us, as the villain's, against Kacchan and a red-haired guy called Kirishima. Shouto and I head into the building to get set up.


Bakugo's pov.

I walk over to Kirishima, a cute guy with a hardening quirk.

"So, I have lived with both Izuku and Shouto for 6ish years now, so I know most if not all of their weaknesses. Shouto uses an ice quirk, but the downside is that he gets frostbite and even hypothermia if it is overused. The downside to Izuku's quirk is that there is none. His quirk adapts to whatever he thinks is the most useful for the situation. We should focus on rescuing the bomb instead of capturing them" I tell him. He nods and we start planning.


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