The BIG Plan

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Deku's POV

I wake up to Shoto sitting up and the tv turned on low sound. I lean myself up and shoto helps me up. We sit and watch tv until a breaking news report come on.

"Breaking news, We now have a recap on what happened to Eraserhead last night and how he ended up in a hospital with first and 2nd-degree burns." The reporter says. it then switches to Eraserhead with bandages.

"I was patrolling a back alley when 2 people, no kids, dropped in front of me, I told them to go home and they told me I wasn't looking for a fight. One of them knew everything about my quirk. I used my quirk to erase his knowledge based one and he laughed at me. He then used an earthquake quirk to break my connection. I went blind from a blindness quirk before His friend trapped me onto the ground. The one with many quirks took off the blindness quirk, told me his name was Quirkless and his friends were Hell Ice, and then knocked me out. I then woke up on my way to the hospital with my memory fuzzy and half out of it" He says. It switches back to the reporter.

"Who is Hell Ice and how did he, and Quirkless, gain enough power to take a Pro-Hero down? That's all for this story right now, I'll catch up with you later" They say before it cuts back to regular TV. Both I and Shoto stare at each other before giggling.

we head into our room and lay down, cuddling and watching tv until Kuro calls us out to the bar. We get up and walk out there. I can see a call on the small tv, Tomura sitting on a stool, and Kuro cleaning glasses behind the bar like always.

"Deku, Shoto, I have a mission for you. A long-term one." Sensei says out of the tv.

"Yes Sensei," We both say.

"I am going to have Tomura hurt you a bit, to make it seem like you were taken, and then Kuro is going to drop you off at a police station, We want you to act scared of people and if they ask who took you, say the Leauge of villains. I want you two to text Kuro any information you gather while posing as a citizen, Deku, any information on heroes, Shoto, any information on your father. Go and get dressed in what you originally came in." Sensei tells us. We bow and head off.

We both get dressed and head back out to the bar. The tv is now showing the news and there are 2 chairs set up for us. I sit down on the one closest to the bar, and Shoto on my right. We allow Tomura to tie us to the chairs and hit us. It hurts for both of us. We both have started to fake cry to make the act more believable. Tomura unbinds us and lays us on the ground. a portal opens up beneath us and we fall, right into a busy police station. I watch as everyone stares at us before freaking out. As someone tries to come up to me, I grab shoto and start shuffling away.

"Don't come near us!" I yell out. They stop advancing. I see a police officer come and stand next to the other one. He looks more like a detective than a police officer.

"Can you tell us your names?" He asks.

"My name is Midorya Izuku and this is Todoroki Shoto. We were taken by the Leauge Of Villains" I tell them. The detective gasps, recognizing us as the ones who were kidnapped. The loud noises wake Shoto up and he looks around, scared for his life.

"My name is Naomasa Tsukauchi, just call me Naomasa. I am a detective working on your case. Can I get you to come into the back so we can get you looked over as we call your parents." He says. Shoto looks at him in fear before yelling out.

"Don't let me go back! I don't want to be hit by my father again! Please, Don't let my dad take me!" He says while crying, leaning into my shoulder. I just hug him harder as the people just stare at him.

"We won't call your dad ok? Do you have someone else that I could call?" Naomasa asks. Shoto shakes his head no while his crying slows down.

"Can you come to the back for us to get looked over by a doctor?" Naomasa asks. We both nod as I stand up and pick up Shoto. I follow Naomasa into the back where their resident doctor is. We sit down and wait for both of us to get checked over.


Misuki Bakugo's Pov.

I'm sitting with my family as my phone goes off. I reach for it and I see it's the police station and I pick it up. Masaru, noticing the phone number, asks to put it on speaker. I do so.

"Is this Misuki Bakugan?" A police officer asks. I respond with yes.

" About 10 minutes ago, 2 children dropped from a portal into the police station, one of them being Midorya Izuku. As Midorya's standing guarding, can you come to retrieve him?" The policeman states. I answer yes and hang up, grabbing my things and leaving Masaru to look after Kasuki.


I arrive at the police station. I tell them why I am there and I am led into the back where there are 2 kids, wrapped around each other and asleep. A detective comes up to me and pulls me aside so we can talk but not wake the kids.

"My name is detective Naomasa Tsukauchi, I am the lead detective on this case. I know you have to come to get Midorya, but with the new information we have gained from the other kid, Todoroki Shoto, endeavor son, we can let him go home under suspected abuse. We were wondering if you would be able to house him until we are able to find a suitable guardian?" The detective asks. I just look over at the kids and see how wound up and attached they seem. I look back and nod. I walk back over and shake them.


Midorya's pov.

We must have fallen asleep because I am woken up by someone shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes and see aunt Misuki leaning down in front of me. I reach and shake Shoto, waking him up.

"Midorya, and you must be Shoto?" Aunt asks. Shoto just nods.

"I was told that I am taking you both to my house until they can find a better guardian." She says. Shoto looks like me like do you trust this person and I just nod at him. We both get up and are taken out into the station. We hear shouting and we see Endeavor stand there yelling at a policeman. he catches eyes of Shoto who is hiding.

"SHoto, what are you doing spreading lies about me. Let's go home" He yells at Shoto. While he does this I text Kuro to release the video to the internet. I use my electricity quirk to shut off the power tot he building while letting the computers on. They glitch out and so do the tv screens. An autotuned voice comes through a video.

"Dear Endeavor, My name is Quirkless, and I have been saving this video for a special time, This exact time. I'm always watching, but have fun listening to the bug I planted in your own house." The video cuts and another one comes on. You can hear endeavor and Shoto. You can hear endeavor as he hits his own son. After a few minutes of this, the video cuts out and the original one comes back on.

"I told you, you never should have hit your own son, because he is gone and out of your life because of your mistakes. But one thing you didn't know is that my range on how close I have to be to steal quirks is endless. I not sorry this is about to happen to your endeavor." The video says. it's a trick to get them not to place the name of Quirkless on me. Right at the video says that I steal his quirk instantly. The room goes even darker as his flames go away. He tries to summon flames but he cant.

"Your flames are gone Endeavour, and you, plus the other 154 people who I've stolen their quirks are not getting them back. They are mine now. I am an indestructible being and I am coming after you heroes. You can not stop me." The video ends and the power returns. Everyone outside watches as the video feed of what is happening plays on the screen. They watch as Endeavor is handcuffed and taken away. Then the feed cuts out and everything goes back to normal. We follow aunt to her car and he goes off to her house, the Bakugo household.

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