Deku's First Mission from Sensei

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Deku's POV

I wake up and smooth out my clothes, heading to brush my teeth in the bathroom connected to my room. After I finish that I walk out to the bar so I can get some breakfast. I open the door and there are 2 people at the bar, Tomua-kun, and Sensei, its been years since I've seen him in person.

"Sensei!" I yell out before talking him in a hug, He hugs me right back and we stay there for a good minute before any of us let go. I know that he has a soft spot for me.

"How are you Deku? Still tired from yesterday, it was a big day?" he asks of me. I just nod at him. He sighs and tells me that he had a long-term job for me. I start to get excited but calm down once he tells me what it is.

"I want you to go out, and take notes on all the heroes you see in a fight, Ok Deku, but don't get caught," He tells me. Yay, I get to use my notebook.

"Ok Sensei. I will wear casual clothing and cover my identity by not showing my face" I tell him before running off to get changed. I put on a green hoodie and some black jeans. I make sure that my identity is hidden before grabbing a pencil and the notebook I got from Sensei. I walk out of my room and walk towards the door. Kuro opens a warp right in front of the door and I step through it.

It takes me to an area with commotion. I walk out into the street and I see a fight happening between a new hero, Endeavor and a villain. I lean up against a wall and take out my notebook. I start to write some information about Endeavor, his quirk, his fighting style, how he takes his enemies down, and what he does afterward. When I'm done I put my notebook away and look up. I get up off of the wall and I catch eyes with Endeavor. We stare at each other for a good 5 seconds before I smile, creepily, at him and wave. I hear a warp open up behind me and I see him start to freak out, knowing what villain opens a warp like that.

He looks at me with concern and a hint of fear. I yell over the reporters and talk to him.

"Nice to see you Endeavor, but goodbye, Say hi to Shoto for me!" I say as I wave and walk through the warp. Once I'm through and back at the bar, I start to giggle. I sit down at one of the stools.

"How was your first day of this mission?!" Kuro asks of me. He mixes a non-alcoholic drink for me and set it down in from of me.

"I got to see Endeavor fight, and I taunted him, just for the fun of it!" I tell Kuro while showing him my information on Endeavor. I got a lot of information. I drink my drink mix and head off to my room. I turn on the TV and watch the news. I watch the TV replays the story on Endeavor when something catches my attention. Its a shot from me and Endeavor talking. The title is ' Who is this kid and how did they get Endeavors attention?' Ooo I'm getting attention.

I yell for Kuro to turn onto the station is on. I take off my jacket and set my notebook down, and head back out to the bar. Kuro looks at me with admiration.

"Getting attention this early, you're good at what you do," He tells me. I head back to my room, getting ready for my plans tonight. I take a shower and comb my hair, letting it look exactly like I want it to be. I get dressed in my outfit and grab my eye guard. I walk out to the bar and ask Kuro to open a warp.

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