Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Well, since we're still waiting on someone else to arrive, how about we all go and have a little chat in the living room?"

A mumble of okay's and sure's followed my mother's question. On the other hand, I needed some air, passing by the group to walk out the door. Between everyone, the atmosphere was thick, suffocating, and making all these unwanted emotions rise inside of my body. I needed to get out before I did or said something stupid.

The cool, night air freed me from all the worried stares cast my way, like I was going to snap any second because the extra guest. It wouldn't have gone that far, but I still had to get some space.

I leaned against the black iron railing that lined the porch steps, secretly hoping that Rhode would follow, giving me some crazy explanation of why he showed up with a witch at my house. He'd tell me how he had a plan to get rid of her, begging me to listen to everything he had to say. Instead, someone about three times his age, came to stand next to me.

"Do you want me to get him in a choke hold so you can punch him?"

"As entertaining as that would be, I'm going to have to say no." I laughed, knowing she was crazy enough to do it, somehow saying it was a mistake and how her arm had a spasm. Years ago, an incident with a snotty waiter taught me to never cross my grandmother.

"C'mon, just this once. I've been taking self-defense classes and want to put my new moves to use. And if you want, I can even scratch his eyeballs out."

"I'm glad you found a productive way to spend your free time," Looking down at her, an amused smirk formed on my lips. "but you look like you want to do more than that. We all know that it wouldn't be self-defense, plus, I can't have you getting arrested for assault."

"You sure?" Winking, she nudged my arm, getting an 'are you serious?' look out of me. "Well, I guess you'd do anything to protect the people you love."

"Exactly, and I won't be visiting you in jail."

"You don't even visit me now," Her dark eyes rolled, making me feel guilty. "and I wasn't talking about me. I saw how bitter you looked when that girl walked through the door."

"That's crazy, and I don't love the guy. I haven't known him long enough to develop those kinds of feelings!" I laughed in disbelief at my grandmother's accusations, knowing deep down that there was some truth to them. Meanwhile, there was nothing but concern in her eyes. "I care about him, but it hasn't gone further than that. Plus, I can easily make those feelings go away."

She studied me for a moment, slowly nodding her head as she drew her sweater closer to her body. I'd seen that look in her eyes too many times before. It was scrutinizing, digging for information that I wanted to keep buried away.

"No? Then why did you run out of the house like that?"

"Like what?" I almost snapped, having to take a second to realize who I was talking to.

"Don't get smart with me, and I know you know what I mean. Take a few minutes to calm down, then come back inside. This family does not give up on what belongs to them."

That was easy for her to say. She most likely wasn't involved with a guy who had a psycho friend trying to trap him by throwing a child into the mix.

Scowling at my grandmother's retreating back, I decided to listen to her, but only the part about taking a few minutes to calm down. I was so lost in my thoughts for god knows how long, that I hadn't noticed my sister come to stand at the bottom of the porch steps, wearing an expectant expression on her face. A pair of matching, pink floral suitcases were gripped in either of her hands, both looking like they were stuffed with unnecessary crap, and knowing Alana, they probably were.

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