Dicarius //I do care//

Start from the beginning

Mook suddenly grabs Dante to prevent him from getting out as Sashin cast a spell to stop Dante.

But that spell his casting could also damage Mook greatly.

"What are you doing?" I asked still with an emotionless look.

But in the inside, I just wwanted o scream at him to stop.

"To stop Dante of course. Mook told me his plan..." He said, not looking at me but at the two Sea serpent.

It doesn't take a blind person to see the pained look on on his face by thinking the possibilities that Mook might not survive the attack.

I looked up to see Mook who is about to flee but got biten by Dante instead which cause him to not leave.

(Time skip cause your author is lazy AF)

(Y/n)'s POV.

After the war was over, I started searching for Dicarius in the woods.

I saw Queen Yemma and the other guards and... Dicarius!

I was so happy and relieved that he was okay and was getting healed, but my expression is was still empty like I didn't even care that he got hurt and all.

I'm not sure if there's something wrong with my face and not my way of showing emotions.

I sauntered my way over to them with a blank look plastered on my face.

Queen Yemma took notice of me and turned her head towards me.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing in here?" She asked which cause me to stop walking.

"I was trying to find Dicarius. I'm sorry if I disturbed you, your Majesty." I said monotonously but she wasn't bothered from my lack of emotion and just nodded her head.

"It's alright." She said before going back to healing Dicarius.

"Is he going be okay?" I asked while raising one of my brows. 

"Don't worry, he's going to be alright in just a few weeks" She answered back while focusing all of her energy on healing the black crow while I watch with a pained look.

But my face stayed the same.

Dicarius's POV.

I heard familiar voices around me as I slowly opened up my eyes to see Queen Yemma.

"Your majesty...!" I yelped in surprised as I try to get up.

"It's okay. You don't have to get up." Queen Yemma said while holding my forehead to heal me.

"I'm sor... Ugh!" I said as I could feel something stinging me.

"Don't worry. Have a rest for now." She said as my eyes begin to feel heavy and beginning to feel tired.

My eyes slowly landed on a (H/n) haired crow who looks at me with a blank look and I could faintly see in her eyes that is filled with disappointment. 

She didn't look sad or worried or anythin. Nothing but judging eyes.

'(Y/n)... Do you even... Care about me...?' I thought as my eyes slowly closed and was meet with darkness itself.


Still Dicarius's POV.

Slowly, I opened up my eyes and was met with a familiar ceiling. 

'What happened...?' I thought, trying to recall all my memories as best as I can.

'Oh... Yeah...' I thought, remembering that I got hit in the wing by Dante and then Queen Yemma healing me.

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