Til death do us part

638 31 12

September 14, 2014

Day 2 journal entry one

It had been raining all day in the little town we where currently hiding in. The zombies had died down into fewer crowds, and where currently just wondering the streets in little packs of one or three. I sighed from where I sat, perched in a little window in the tallest apartment building we could find. Me and the group had climbed to the top floor, busting down the stairs so if those walkers found us there would be know way of them to get to us. We had also checked every apartment on this floor, relieved to find that there was know other signs of undead life. Me and Jake had inhabited the room closes to the fire escape, yet everyone else had spaced away into different rooms on the top floor, saying that they wanted to give the newly weds the privacy they haven't had in so long. I sighed softly, closing my eyes and listening to the soft sounds of the shower running and my new husbands singing. I couldn't remember the last time he had sang. Probably on our wedding night, before this whole virus thing took over, running our plans of going on a wonderful honeymoon around the world. But now it seemed our honeymoon would only be running from zombies. But at least Jake got the adventure he so desperately loved. Hearing the shower turn off I opened my eyes, smiling as I watched my black haired beauty walk from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his slim waist and a toothy smile placed on his beautiful tanned face that was absolutely flawless, except for a few freckles here and there. I got up from my place on the window ledge, making my way towards Jake. The young man smiled, taking my hand and pulling me close into a hug, staring up at me "the water works! A little cold, but it works!" he told me happily. I just chucked, staring down at him before placing a soft kiss on his baby smooth lips. "Sounds great. Now let's go see if that old bed still has some spunk left in it" I smirked, picking up my now squealing husband and carrying him to the bed. Sure, with all the zombies and the apocalypse happening, you think now wouldn't be the best time to be happy, or even be doing the kind of things me and Jake did that night. But not for me and Jake, because know matter what, we had eachother. We don't know for how long, so we might as well make the best of it. Cause no matter what, we will always have eachother. Till death do us part.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2014 ⏰

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