✒️ The Regret

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Today, our school are having a Congratulations Ceremony for the students who scored CGPA 3.00 above in Six form's exam. Well, from the bottom of my heart I wish them congratulations for passing their exam with flying colours. But, a part of me feel envious of them cause they got something to proud of and tell their parents that they did it. The success. They make their parents proud of them.

        Don't get me wrong, I'm not feeling jealous in the bad way. I'm just jealous because they have something I didn't get.  My pointer? Luckily I just pass and that's just go by 2.00 pointer. What do I got with it, I just got blowed by my parents. That's what I got. My neighbors? Ok, they did ask me how was my exam. You don't need to know what their faces were telling me. I know what's in their mind. "The angel has fallen." I guessed my friends thought like that too. Well, they're absolutely surprised by my marked. Don't believe me, it's true because they expect me to be AWESOME. And don't asked about my whole family, they thought the same too. They felt dissapointed in me and felt that my future is ruin. What about my teachers? I avoided them the best that I could, because I'm ashamed of my marks.

      Before, I wish I was them. The one who'll get to get on that stage and receive a certificate or other trophy with a proud and satisfied face that shows that I did it. I'll be proud with the rest of my teachers, friends and family for the success I've made. Once more, I will make my parent smile widely in their sleep while knowing that I have made it on top. I will be an idol to my little siblings and cousins like my whole family wanted to. I will tell myself that I did it with blood, sweat and tears plus hard work that I have done. Where in the end, I didn't earn the success I dreamed of because I didn't work hard.

       I am regretting for what I did in the past. I feel mad at myself for not taking all of this seriously. You know what I feel. I feel ashamed of myself because I was crazy. I was daydreaming. I was just wishing for it but did not work out for it. I was promising to myself that I will do my best but broke it without I realized it. I was breaking the sweet dreams I built to thousand pieces. I did not work hard like I expect me too, instead I play around and let the time knock me down. Lazily around and did not worry for the worst to come. Well, life did give me lessons countless time, you guys wanna know what I did? I did not learn from it for sure, instead I don't care about it and in the end it broke me hard. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, that is true. What stupid things I have done.

     I knew what was happening to me back then. I was lost. I was drown. I was broken. My soul broken. I was struggling. It was a bad whole year. You wanna know what is the stupidest thing I have done to myself? I let all of my problems brought me down and that is where it brought me now. I regret it. I really regret it. I just let my problems weight me down. I lost my motivation and inspiration. I lost it all. My dreams, enthusiasm, spirit. I could not stand up against it. Because I was alone. My soul was lonely.

      When someone in this situation meet me, I will tell them to not give up. But I realized it is hard to console yourself then console others. I can't. I gave up. I truly gave up. Where I was the one who always told people around me to don't you ever give up easily. Fight it back with all your might. Fight harder. Well, I didn't do the same. It is like they said, easy to said then done. It is a whole lot of truth.

       In the end, there's nothing you could change. That's the results to my past behavior and decisions. Well, time is moving. Life go on. It doesn't wait for me for sure. I've learned it many times in the past. But I still choose the wrong choices. I was stupid.

The lessons I have learned? I need to move on. The past may still haunting me, hurting me and still bleeding. But the way I see it, I can either run from it or learn from it. When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do? Just keep moving, just keep moving, just keep moving. Like I said, life doesn't wait for you no matter what. Look Readers, BAD THINGS HAPPEN and you can't do anything about it right? Well, most of us might said "Yeah right". WRONG! When the world turn it's back on you, you turn your back on the world. This was the things I should do before. I was supposed to put my past behind me which I gotta do now. Run from it or learn from it. My story may not have such a happy beginning, but it doesn't make me who I am. It is the rest of my story that matters.

"Yesterday a history,
Tomorrow a mystery,
But today is a gift.
And that is why it called present."

⭐️Master Oogway-Kung Fu Panda the Movie🐼

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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