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"Amir you so stupid!" Jaylyn yells at me as she walks back in forth in my room.

"It wasn't all my fault Jay," I whine and look down at my hands.

"Yes it is. You basically judged him about being bisexual Amir." She states and rolls her eyes at me.

I get up and glare at her, "If you only came here to judge me then you can get the fuck out!" I yell in anger.

Jay looks at me in shock but it's immediately replaced with a glare.

"Whatever." That was the last thing I hear her say before I heard the front door slam shut.

I knew I probably fucked up, and she maybe wasn't gonna talk to me for a while. But I already felt bad for judging Kaden the way I did.

"Wassup lil bro." Amor says after busting in my room.

"Leave me the fuck alone Amor. I'm not in the mood." I mumble.

"When are you ever." He rolls his eyes before walking out.

I get up and begin to undress and as I'm about to pull of my Calvin Klein boxers, my mom waltz in my room.

"Mom what the hell! You can't just barge in my room. There's a thing called privacy ya know." I yell in frustration.

"Do not use that tone and language with me Amir. And I've seen your body part many of times." She shakes her head and leans on the door frame.

"When I was a kid, mom. I'm fucking seventeen now!" I yell as I mug her.

I watch as she walk over to me and before I knew it, she smacked me!

"I warned you. And you still tried my boy. If you ever use that tone on me again you'll have to find your way out of my house." She says in a warning tone while pointing her finger at me.

I don't reply, instead I glare at her with a mug on my face.

"Do. You. Understand me. Amir." She says sternly.

"Yes." I mumble with my fists balled up.


( A/N: sorry I do a lot of time skips)

It's been two days since everything went down and I've been feeling horrible lately.

Jaylyn blocked me on everything and Kaden ignored me all the time. My mom hasn't been talking to me and neither had Amor. I feel terrible. I shouldn't have taken out my anger on them when everything was my fault.

As I walk into the school, every one stares at me and smirks or mug me. I begin to hear whispers but I don't understand what's happening.

When I make it to my locker Jaylyn is already there and looking at her phone with a shocked look. I then get even more curious as to why she's standing at my locker.

She notices my presence and immediately shoves her phone I'm my hand. I look at her skeptically before converting my eyes down to her iPhone 7plus.

I instantly look at it with shock.

DaBoiCardo: I'm coming back for my baby 😍🤞🏾❤️

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

DaBoiCardo: I'm coming back for my baby 😍🤞🏾❤️

@ sephking: we care because..... 🤨

@ thegirlMia: go get ya nigga ‼️❤️

@ Cassie_. : eww this is disgusting

@ CalebcoolKid: @ Cassie_. it's not disgusting. It's called true love stupid

@ TheyloveKaden: ... ok....

@ DaBoiCardo: is u mad bruh 💀😼 @ TheyloveKaden

@ TheyloveKaden: I'm perfectly fine bro @ DaBoiCardo

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I feel tears begin to brim in my eyes. This can't be happening. Why do Cardo gotta come for me. I thought he had a girlfriend. Everyone knows I'm gay now. I hope my brother and parents don't see this.

I look up at Jaylyn and shove her phone into her chest and quickly walk to my History class.


I know this is short, but it's supposed to be a filler 😊

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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