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"Amir, when are you gonna finally get yourself a girlfriend?" My pops asked as we sat down at the dinner table while my mom finished up the meal.

"I don't know dad." I huffed in frustration.

My parents always been bugging me about getting a girlfriend and it makes me so frustrated.

The truth is, I'm gay. I haven't told my parents or my older brother because I feel like their gonna begin to judge me, or even worse disown me!

The only person who knows I'm gay is my best friend Jaylyn. She found out I was gay in 8th grade, when she caught me staring at another guy.

"Why didn't you tell me!" She yelled with a hurt expression.

"Because your my best friend since diapers, and I didn't want you to judge me or stop being friends with me." I spoke honestly.

She chuckled, " Amir Cortez Taylor, you are my first and favorite best friend, I would never do that. Besides I kind of figured it out when I caught you watching Cheetah Girls."

I can remember that day like it was yesterday.

I wish my parents and brother could figure out I was gay just as easy as Jaylyn could.

"Honey, you can't stay girlfriend less all your life." My mom states as she fixes our plates.

"Maybe he doesn't have a girlfriend cause he's a faggot!" My brother Amor laughs as he enters the kitchen.

"My son will not be gay. I do not tolerate that shit at all." My father says shaking his head.

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention my dad is homophobic? Well he is.

"Sugar pie, don't listen to them. If your gay, your gay. And if your straight, the your straight. It doesn't matter because at the end of the day we are family." My mom says and finishes fixing plates.

That's why I love my mother. She's such a peace maker.

"Yeah lil bro. We love you no matter what. But come at me with that gay shit and I'll slap the shit out of you." Amor days before devouring the meal mom made.

Everyone looks at my father who is just mugging me.

He then speaks, " Like I said, my son will not be a faggot." And with that he gets up and leaves the kitchen.

"Honey don't mind him. We don't even know for sure if your even gay, we're all just assuming things." My mom says.


I was now sitting in math class bored as ever since Jaylyn didn't have this class with me.

"Amor please pay attention." Mrs. Peterson says looking at me.

I instantly roll my eyes. "My name is Amir not Amor."

"Oh I'm sorry. But Amir please pay attention." She apologizes.

"Whatever" I mumble and right down notes that she was listing on the board.

"Oooh, Amir's talking back Mrs. Peterson." The class clown Ryon says causing everyone to laugh or snicker besides me of course.

"You need to learn how to shut the fuck up." I say now annoyed for some reason.

"Amor do you need some time out of the room?" Mrs. Peterson asks.

"Oooh, Amor is about to be in time out." Ryon says and again the whole class erupted in laughter except for me.

"My fucking name is Amir not Amor you stupid bitch." I say glaring at him.

"That's enough! Go to the office Amir." The teacher says.

"This is just bullshit." I mumble and walk out of the class and begin to head to the office.

Once I entered the office, my eyes instantly landed on a boy who looked like trouble. He had about two or three tattoos on his left arm. He has curly dark brown hair. He wore a pair of Ray Bands on his face, dark blue shirt with a white snap back, and some white air force ones. Not gonna lie, but he was really good looking.

I guess I was staring to long when I heard him speak, "Fuck are you lookin at?" He said mugging me.

"Oh shut up, no one was looking at you." I said rolling my eyes.

I took a seat on the other side of the office and waited for them to call me back and ask why I'm in here.

As I was looking around the office, from the corner of my eye I seen that boy look me up and down. We made eye contact just in time for me to see him lick his lips slowly.

Gotta admit, that shit was a turn on.

"Fuck are you looking at?" I mock him causing him to let out a deep sexy chuckle.

"Obviously I'm lookin at yo ugly ass." He says.

"I wouldn't call someone ugly after licking your lips at them." I smirk.

"Whatever." He says waving me off.

Our conversation was interrupted when the office lady came in, "Kaden Jones, why are you in this office again?" She questions.

Hmm, Kaden Jones, Amir Jones.... that has a good ring to it.

"And you, Amir Taylor, why are you in my office again? I swear if it isn't you in here then it's either Amor or Kaden." She says shaking her head.



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