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Hey friends! Thank you for reading! I'm usually very busy with school, but I try to write when I can.- emphasis on try. I used to write a lot and I haven't in a while, I really want to start again though. There's also a huge shortage of ringo content so if anyone requests anything for Ringo, I will love you forever.

— I decided I'm not doing requests for John Lennon because he makes me uncomfy thank you and goodnight— *** Update I will include him in preferences because those don't take a huge amount of brain power whereas I put my whole self into writing one shots. Like I really get into writing thoughtful and well-written stories, I just can't do that while knowing about all the shit that he did. Preferences it easy to glaze over it but I can't put myself into a headspace to romanticize him. If you want some angsty break up imagine I can do that but other than that, nah.

The Beatles One Shots & PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now