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As soon as Cameron pulled into my drive way I already had 15 texts and 20 missed calls from hayes and nash.

I honestly couldn't even function. Why. Why would he. He kissed me. He fucking kissed me. Then he called it nothing and is with a girl. What a dick. A fucking dick.

"Kaitlyn," said Cam, "I love you and I promise I will take care of you and never just you nor leave you. ever. I know you're really confused and hurt right now but I'm here. and I've always been here and I'm never leaving. So please don't worry or hurt over stupid boys. I'll take care of you." I looked up at him. Tears pouring out trying to speak but not being able. " I promise." it barely came out his mouth. Trying to process everything thats happend and been said in the last few days, I got out the car to get to Cameron. Who some how is already in the house. "Cameron. Cam? Cammy!" I yelled in hopes of finding him, in the now dark house. I heard some noise, like someone yelling but from a far away distance, so you can't fully hear them. I peered around the corner, to find cam.

he sounded pretty pissed. I could only understand a few words, but not enough to make a sentence or understand. After a few minutes he was done.

"who was that?" slipped out. Dammit. "just some guy I know. It was nothing to worry about tho." he answered with a sigh.

"Cameron, can you tell me what its like being depressed?" I know you're not supposed to ask those type of things, but I was dying to know.

he didn't respond for a while. He just sat there for at least 10ish minutes before sighing with an answer. " Kaitlyn, you won't understand until you actually have it. I mean I don't even understand it. But I'll basically say a few things. I feel as if everything I do is shit. Its like I can't escape this hole of darkness. Like I'm trapped in my own skin. The emotions I feel are hurt. I used to love life. But now I just want it to end. Kaitlyn I started cutting myself a month ago. I'm dying. Mentally and physically. I'm drowning and everyone can see me but no ones helping. Im buying weed and smoking it to help escape. I know that smoking isn't cool. I'm not using any of this to get attention. I do everything I do to feel more than hurt or to feel nothing at all." he paused. Tears were streaming down my face. I was motionless. "I just want it to end." he hardly whispered. By now we were hugging and crying together. "Cameron I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." I just kept repeating my self.

Lately me and Cam have been crying a lot. I hate it. Just 2 days ago I loved my life while Cam hated his. wow.

"Kaitlyn! Please! Open the door!" it was Nash. "please." he was crying. I looked up at Cameron and he was walking up stairs and gave me a slight smile re assuring me that its going to be alright.

"I love you." was all that came out of his mouth. "it meant something to me. I. know i said it didn't. But it did. And I'm sorry. I thought you wouldnt want to get into a realationship so I thought it would be best if I said that. But after you left I felt empty. And I thought I needed to find another girl. So I went for a walk and ran into her, the girl you saw with me at the beach. She didn't mean a thing to me Kaitlyn. I can't get you out of my head. The butterflys I get when you touch me or when you're around me. You give me feelings I didn't even know I could get. Dammit Kaitlyn. I love you. A lot." by now more tears were coming from my eyes and his followed. " please give me another chance. I know I hurt you, and by doing this it hurt me too. Please." I want to but I'm not sure if I can. He really hurt me. "Na-" he cut me off by kissing me. It was passionate.

"ok." was what I said when we pull away. He looked happy and eyes fulled with hope. "Kaitlyn,  lunch at apple bee's tomorrow. You know if you want." " id love to." I smiled. "pick you up around 12:45." I just smiled and kissed him again. This time it was longer. We were moving in sync. He licked my bottom lip waiting for enterence and I gladly accpected it.  He started biting on my lip making a slight moan escape from my lips. Once Nash had realized I moaned I could feel him smile and slightly laugh, which of course made me blush. While this was going on I didn't realize that cameron was watching us until I heard him uncomfortably cough. "Looks like you guys made up." Cam slightly laughed. Well s it, this is awkward.

"Well, do you guys want any dinner?" I nervously asked. Of course, they both said yes. Since I was making it and I wanted pasta, I made some bow tie pasta with marinara souce and some buttery italian bread to go along with it. I yelled for the boys to come eat, and no joke, they were down faster than I said to come down. But aye, its food.

"Well looks like some ones wife material" Cam said while nudging nash and winking at me. Which of coursed, I laughed at and Nash blushed.

Once we were all done eating I was tired, a long day at the beach and me and Nash might be a thing. I decided to just take a shower and head to bed. After telling the boys, I headed up stairs and into my room. Since my bathroom is connected to my room, I just needed to grab my phone for music. While waiting for the shower to heat up, I put on some One Direction Fireproof and stripped out of my clothes.

Getting done with all the things you do in the shower, I headed into my room and grabed some pjs. These included some black cotton typical sleep shorts, a cropped maroon shirt I cut, black knee high socks, and my hair in a side braid. I texted Cameron to see if Nash had left, and he did. Then I told Cameron to come sleep with me, I'm not sure why, I just didn't feel like being alone and I one he didn't either. Waiting for Cameron to get ready for bed, I texted nash goodnight and went on social media. My YouTube already has 200k subsribers and its literally been only. few days. That be what happens when your two best friends are kinda big.

"Kaitlyn? you awake?" Cameron kinda whispered. This caused me to laugh, so of course he one I wasn't sleeping and he just walked in. "So you and Nash?" he asked. What are we in the fifth grade. "We made up and were going on a lunch date tomorrow around 12:45." I responded. "well you might want to head to bed, its already 2am and I know how you sleep and I know how long you take to get ready." HOLY SHIT I THOUGHT IT AS AROUND 12.

"Night Cam my" I smiled. He kissed my forehead and said a slight goodnight before I was sleeping.



so I'm sorry it wasn't that good, I just was so busy with homework and I'm been obsessed with going to this trampoline place with my friends.

ALSO BIG NEWS!!!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!$!



But I promiseeeeeee the chapters with get longer, I just didn't have a any time to update and I just got the chance.

Love you all!



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