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"Robert if you give a shit about this family or at least your daughter than you'll go and never come back!" "You sure as hell know that you can't keep doing this to her, to me, to us, to you. You need to go. I'm tired of this. This is the third time in the past two months you have done this with her. IM DONE!" I heard my mom yell at my dad. Not again. I'm crying in my room right now. I'm so scared. I can tell my dad is beyond pissed, and the last time they had this fight, I was at my bestfriends, Cameron's house. My dad hit my mom and then hooked up with a girl afterwards. My dad started to cheat on my mom and get drunk and come home pissed as fuck about stuff. He's hit me and my mom before. Cameron knows all about this stuff. He's honestly my life savor. "OH YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I GO AND FUCK HER AND NEVER COME BACK. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY I EVEN GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU GUYS ANYMORE. KAITLYN IS LITERALLY THE SECOND WORST THING THATS EVER HAPPEND TO ME, YOU BEING THE FIRST!!" wow. did he really just say that. "leave. leave me. leave her. go. GET OUT!" my mom responded. I'm trying not to make any noise. I know he'll come up here and yell at me and hit me. I can hear my mom crying. I hate this. I hate her crying. I hate the pain he brings. I hate the way he treats her. I hate him. I need to do something. I know he's about to hit her. I need to stop this. I gathered up all my courage and walked down staird as quietly as possiable. "WHAT. YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST KICK ME OUT OF MY OWN HOUSE. YOU GET THE FUCK OUT. BRING IT WITH YOU!" I know he's refering to me. he turns and sees me. I guess I made noise crying. "If you dare lay a hand on her I swear..." my mom says. he turns and smacks her.

He starts to walk over to me calling me and my mom names and stating how much he hates us. I shut my eyes when he raises his hand to smack me. I hear someone say something to him. I know this voice its Cameron. I open my eyes. I see him punch my dad and hand my mom her phone. I think she's calling the police. Cam walks over to me just holds me while I cry in his chest. I'm so scared. My dad is laying on the floor unconsus. I know Cam didn't knock him out from just one punch, I also see a broken glass vase on the floor. "Everything is going to be alright, I love you. I swear I will always protect and be with you no matter what." and with that he kissed my forehead. The police were here by now asking my mom what happend and hand cuffing my dad. On his way out he looked at me and said "I'm not done with you yet." and with that they were out of my house driving down the road. Cam hugged me tighter and promised that he will neverhurt me.

My mom ordered pizza for me Cam and she went to sleep.

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* I looked over at my alarm clock and it read 11:27 am. I am tired and covered in sweat. That was one of my flashbacks. I get them a lot when I'm having back aniexity. I text Cam and tell him what just happend. I also Text Nash and see if he wants to hang out today, I think him and Cam should meet. Plus, Ive been talking to my mom about letting Cam move in with us since my mom is never home. I'm almost certain she's going to say yes. You see she's always working because my dad was the main money maker and when he left, we had nothing. She's worried about goign through that ever again. I get out of bed and Turn on my music. I click on Wildlife by Jack&Jack and jump in the shower. By the time I'm done with the shower and everything you do in a bathroom, I head into my room. I pick out blakc leggings, a white shirt with Los Angeles and New York on it (like the one from Brandy but not as cropped) and some white shin high nike socks that Cam gave me. I put my hair in a Messy bun and by then it was 12:56pm. Both Cam amd Nash said they would come over today so I texted and told them to come over around 1:30 because I still needed to eat. I also told Cameron to bring me Starbucks. I went down stairs and made my self toast with a sunny side up egg and bacon. I also had a glass of O.J. While waiting for the boys to get here I watched some YouTube and straightend up my house. I honestly was kinda nervous about them meeting, since I kinda just met Nash. But I feel as if me and Nash have known each other for ever, also I saw him staring at me and Cam and I think he should meet Cam and know that Cam isn't the threat, Nash looksed kinda hurt.  Maybe I'm just over thinking this. In six weeks school is over. so I'm really excited for that. I know it seems far away but hey, I hate school,.so I'm counting down the days until its over.

Its 1:34 and Nash is here. I told him that I also invited Cameron, the guy he saw with me the other day. His face turned bright red and he apologized. It was kinda funny and awkward tbh. He said he was cool with meeting Cam, so while we were waiting for him to come I was talking about how me and Cam w,have been bestfriends since I was old enough to talk. We lived accross the street from each other and literally had the same classes and did everything togehter. And I mean EVERYTHING. But since my dad moved, we moved, we actually moved to a neighboor hood with a lot of securiety. So it gets pretty annoying. But Cam's parents are wanting to move to Canada. So our parents are talkinh about Cam moving in with me. By then it was around 2:26pm. And Cam just got here with my Starbucks, an Ooprah Chi Tea, iced and a Salted Carmel Cake-Pop. Honestly Cam is bae like YASSSSSSSSS.


Sorry for the short chapter I promise they will be better and longer, I'm grounded at my dads house and School is about to start up soon and I've been OBESSED in reading After, I'm near the middle in the last book. But I will try to up date and make them longer, it just might take a while to get there. Also I don't typically re read when I'm done writing so sorry for the bad grammar and spelling corrections. I alsojust wing it when I'm writing.

Please comment some ideas you have for future parts in the story.

Also can we talk about HAYES HAIR CUT BC DAYUM THAT BOY. And I went to SunSation Tour, IT WAS LIFE LIKE YAS.

Love you all, xoxo, Lynsey

REASONS WHY | Nash Grier fan fictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin