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"You don't understand, you don't understand. What you do to me when you hold his hand..." (happily by one direction) I hear as I wake up. I check my phone to see that it's 6:15 am. OH ZAYUM! I spelt through 3 alarms. I guess you could say I love to sleep, but what teenager doesn't?

As I jump out of bed and do my normal routine but like 100x's faster. As I'm showering I realize how lonely I am. Like why am I showering and trying to get all ready to go somewhere I get picked on and have no friends. UGH. I hate school so much.

I've never had Friends, well I had Friends before I was bullied but they left thanks to Taylor and Matt making their life's awful as well. And thanks to them, I'll never have any again. Jumping out of the shower, I pull out of these thoughts. It's already ready 6:25, and if I leave around 7 I can make to school on time if I ride the bus.

I hate the bus so much. You don't understand. I have no friends and everyone stares at me. Plus to make it better, Matt and Taylor ride my bus. ANYWAYS, I'm on limited time right now.

I do my normal routine of make up and then picking out what to wear. I choose on PINK skinny yoga pants, a huge shirt/sweater from PINK that's gray and white, my black studded Steve Madden comeback boots, and a large bulky scarf from target that matches my top. For hair I do a messy bun.

When I walk down the stickers I still have no sign of my parents. And to be honest I'm getting kinda worried about it. I'll just give mom a call after school.

I looked down at my phone and noticed that it was OMG 7:12 IM GOING TO BE LATE AND I CANT BE LATE. UGH. UGH. UGHH. ONE MORE TRADT AND I GET ISS. Well, if I'm going to be late, minus well just take my time ya know.

As I walk in through the front doors of my school office to get my ISS pass, I notice that 3 other people have it today as well. I hope that it's a bunch of nobodies just like me, who don't care who I am.

As I open the door the 3 faces turn to me. CRAPPPP! Matt, Tay and one other extremely attractive guy looks at me. I wonder who he is. I don't think I have seen him around. I guess we were staring at each other cause he smiled. Awk I suck at this kind of stuff. I just turned away and sat in a sat in the front of the room. But I feel a smile from ear to ear on my face. We sat in silence for a while so I pulled out my phone and listened to random songs I had on my phone. When finally lunch time came. THANK LORD JESUS. I literally love food so much it's not funny. For lunch today I got 2 slices of pizza, a water, and a cookie. Chocolate chip to be exact. And it was amazing. I ate it all in like 1.2467458 seconds. But it's all cool. After I threw away my stuff, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see the boy that smiled at me earlier. ZAYUM he had amazing eyes. He started to speak what I believe was his name "Hi, I'm Na-" until he was cut off my Taylor and Matt. "Hey man, let's go talk about you joining the team." I know that they're trying to make my life hard by this but he doesn't know so what he said next was really bad on his part. "Um I'm kinda talking to her right now, I'll catch up with you guys later." awe, but I should warn him about what they'll do. "no, you should probably go with them." he had a frown on his face. I wish I hadn't had said that. Crap. "But I can give you my number?" I asked. He changed into a hug smiled. AWE. We exchanged numbers and the whole time Tay and Matt were giving me this look. Sucks for them cause I don't care.

After ISS was done I walked out of the room as fast as possible. until I heard someone screaming to me? "HEY! WAIT UP!" I turned to see that boy with amazingly blue eyes. "Hey" I smiled. "want a ride home?", "I drive" I responded with no second thought, "sure." As we got to my house, he walked me to my door. "so is this like your house?" he asked. Awk. I didn't think it looked so bad but I guess it does. "Oh not like bad, like cause I live next door." oh thank god. "yeah this is my house." then he said"i guess I'll be seeing you alot." I smiled and said "Kaitlyn, my name is Kaitlyn." "Nash" we said out goodbyes and left with that. Both with huge smiles on our faces. But could I like him? I hardly know him.

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