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Kaitlyn POV

Today is now Monday, I guess you could say I was so caught up on the fun weekend with my two best friends to pay attention to this hell hole. As of right now, I some how managed to get by without having to see Taylor and Matt. Which I guess you could say never seeing them again would be too soon. To be honest with you, they havnt been around lately, and I'm deffintitly not complaining. Some stuff has been going around school that they sing and rap. I'm not sure, but if they're good id love to hear them.

I guess I spoke too soon, I was pulled out of thought by mashed potatoes all over Nash and Cams sweatpants and sweatshirt. Which Nash didn't seem to notice as he got up and of course, saw Taylor and Matt laughing their heads off. Nash walked over to them and before you knew it, he punched of them. everyone stopped what they were doing in shock, like you could seriously hear a pen drop.

I didn't know what to do. I just sat there. Staring at Nash beat them up. Eventually the princiaple came out and broke it up. She took Taylor, Matt, and Nash with them.

As soon as they left everyone stared at me for a few seconds. I looked down and just went on my phone slowly nibbling at whatever food I had in front of me. Eventually they all look away and went back to what they were doing. Thank the Lord.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast. And since I didn't want to walk home alone, I texted Nash to meet me by the front. I guess he was in some serious trouble with the school since he responded how hell come over later, he's not allowed to leave yet. I couldn't help but wonder if Tay and Matt will try to hurt me even more or if Nash stopped it all. It seems that the bullying goes from calling me names, pushing and shoving me, dumping things on me to almost nothing.

I honestly hope Nash solved it but I know Matt and Taylor aren't going to leave it at that.

As I walking I felt a little lonely so I decided to call Cam and tell him everything that heppned to day.

I think he said how he knew a Taylor  and Matthew but he said the ones he knew are funny and sweet, especially Matt. So that kinda elemenated that. Cam aslso told me how he's getting bigger and bigger and that they all want me to post YouTube videos with them. So that was my plane this weekend, I'll make videos with the guys and one of me singing, I love to sing.

"....Just hold on,

In a minute it'll be over and gone.

Yeah, I know you go through a lot.

The pressure makes you hot,

I still know what you've got,

Im rooting for my baby,

Oh Oh Oh Oh,

I'm rooting for my baby,


Miley Cyrus is bae.


As soon as Nash got here, he was saying how much he hates the school and Taylor and Matthew "Fucking dicks.". He said how he's suspended for a week and the other boys are suspended for a month for bullying and fighting.

Apperently Nashs mom,.Elizabeth, isn't mad at him, sinc ehe was standing up for me. So he has a free week off of school. I was kinda sad that he won't be there with me. I guess he could tell. "Hey, don't worry, you'll still be with me, I talked to Mrs.Ash (princable) she said that since you've been getting bullied that they're switch Matt and Tay out of all your classes. Also, you can get the rest of the week off due to personal days for getting bullied." Nash stated.

I'm not sure weither I should be happy or upset that he went and out me out of school and told Mrs.Ash that I'm getting bullied. But he did do it out ofNash s kindness and just trying ri help, plus he got them out of my classes.

"Nash! Thank you so much. You're honestly the best!" I respondedand got up to hug him.

"Kaitlyn you do realise that you're beautiful, right?" Nash asked. I could feel my checks burning up. I just smiled and looked down. I'm not sure how to respond to stuff like this, if I agree, which I don't, then I'll seem.cocky and full of myself, if I disagree then I'll seem thirsty for more compliments. I guess Nash could tell I wasn't comfortable on responding so he asked if I was hungry, which I was.


"Nnnnnnash. Pass the damn pizza." Pizza is literally bae and id die without it. Stuffing a slice of cheese in my mouth, he passed the box over and I took another out. Right now were watching Keeping Up With The Kardaians and stuffing our faces with pizza. Its already 11:30 pm and since we both don't have school for the rest of the week I'm pretty sure Nash is going to spend the night. Which I really, really,really, really, hope he does. I'm not sure what my feelings are about him right now but, I'm sure that I love being with him and that he's a great person and id love to know him more.


Please share with your friends about this story because it'd mean a lot. I'm trying to update more often. Also I started I new fan fic, but I don't think I'm going to be updating as much as this one, but its a Cameron Dallas one, so make sure you check that out (:

Thank you guys for reading, make sure to comment and b,vote because seeing those make me feel like you guys really like this and it gets me inspired to uodate faster.

Thanks for your time to read my fan fiction, I hope y'all enjoy what has to come!

-I love you all,

xoxo Lynsey

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