Notes and Ideas (Not a real chapter)

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Wattpad shows this as Part Two because I forgot to make this before my first real chapter. Oops.


Constantly Brainstorming:

Sadie and Carter come over at year 3
Magnus come over at year 4
This is beautiful

Nico stays at Privet Drive with Harry

OC list:

1. Drea Fair
Demigod Slytherin
1st Year (Same with Harry and the other Demigods)
Daughter of Loki
Side Character

Writing notes:

!! I got nowhere else to stash this so this is either spoiler or sneak peek I'll let you to decide!!

Annabeth: Gryffindor

Percy: Gryffindor

Piper: Slytherin

Jason: Gryffindor

Hazel: Hufflepuff

Frank: Hufflepuff

Thalia: Slytherin (I know. What the heck? But that's what the quiz said)

Nico: Gryffindor

(I took quizzes for every one of them except for Nico, as I planned him for something else later on in the story)

Demigod Interference [1] (A Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now