I don't want to leave you.

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"That will be great, I can wear normal stuff."I answerd my girlfriend. "I don't want to leave you. I have to take care for you. I love you Stephen."She told me. "I love you to, Emily. I can take care for my self. I can be on my own for a hour or a few more." She nod her head and give me a kiss on my cheek. She stand right and walk away. 

I walk away from Stephen. It feel not right, he need me now more than ever. I turn around. I see he stand right and walk to his bed. When he see me, he give me a smile. "It's oké. I will sleep."he said. I turn again and walk away. I start the car and go home. When I came home, it feel empty, it is the first time alone at our place. I take a fast shower. I take Stephen's stuff. A few zipped hoodies, a lot of sweatpants and some boxershorts. I put all his stuff out his suitcase what he let in after San Diego. When I think about that weekend, I feel so happy again. I put all his stuff in his suitcase and close it. I drive back to the hospital. 

Emily walk in again. She has my suitcase with her. She put my stuff in de closet next to my bed. She trow a green hoodie to me and a grey sweatpants. She walk to me and pull my hospital stuff off. She help me to put my zipped hoodie on. The pants is the last one, I need really help from my lovely girlfriend. So she put my pants on and tie the ribbon. I lay on bed again. She lay next to me. 

I lay next to Stephen. I like it, I like him. After a hour, I lay on top of him. I embrace him in a hug. I need this. Stephen wrap his arm around me. I give him a kiss on his cheek. He peck my lips. I answer his little kiss and we get in a good kiss. After the kiss, I lay next to him again. "Steph, this was a nice and special kiss. This kiss came on the second place. Our first is my number one." Stephen get red cheeks. "The first kiss was a awesome kiss. This one was special to me. It mean for me that you stay alway's with me. No matter what happen. I love you."He said. He give me a kiss on my cheek. "I love you more when you leave this place."I told Stephen.

Emily kiss me and it feel good. I love and trust that women next to me. I told her what I feel about our kiss, about us. The nurse walk in. "Stephen, I have to see the wounds and I bring the pain killing medecine back low."She told me. I nod but I'm scared for the pain I suppost to feel when I get less medecine.

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