Prologue 2: Error

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Error lay back in the tangled web of blue strings he'd created to support him and his current nap. He was almost able to fall asleep, except for the fact that the multiverse seemed louder than usual today. Specifically, something new was going on.

The destroyer could honestly care less about a disruption in the multiverse at the time, since it would only really make his job easier. However, he couldn't sleep, and he was in need of a new puppet too. As much as Error wanted to deny it about himself, puppets were his one little quirk (or at least, the one quirk that didn't involve torture or murder) that he couldn't seem to get over. Sure he acted tough, and it wasn't just an act. But sometimes, the glitchy skelly could get kinda bored, if not slightly lonely all by himself in the anti-void. Often, he just needed something to entertain himself with. Namely a new puppet, and now. 

Error groaned, sitting up and simply snapping his fingers. He was teleported to the current AU of interest, Birdtale (Rip Birdtale QwQ). Error came upon screaming and a scene of terror. Two Sanses, definitely not from this AU, were running about murdering and torturing the various citizens of the avian universe. Or rather, one skeleton was running about murdering and harming. The other seemed to pull off the occasional murder with ease, but seemed more interested in just telling the first what to do. Error could distinguish the first one as being a Classic Sans, except with dark streaks dripping down his face. Well... that and the obvious murderous intent. However, Error almost felt like he recognized the second, presumably leader, skeleton. He had dark black goo dripping off him and coating his entire body. Giant, swaying tentacles hovered about on his back. A slight blue-ish glowing aura radiated off of him as he ordered the first skeleton around.

Error felt no fear though. He came closer, immediately being spotted and pointed out by the first Sans. The second approached Error, who lazed about in a string-made swing. "Who are you?" The dark one asked. Error chuckled, raising and eye(socket?), "I'm not the one that should be answering your questions. The correct question is, who are YOU?" 

Nightmare stared up at Error, his face growing slightly pissed. However, he felt no need to start a fight at the current moment. He was already busy conquering this AU. He answered, "I'm Nightmare. With me is Killer. We're just doing our job. Or rather, my job. Now again, I'll ask. Who in the hell are you. It's not a question stranger." Error ignored the obvious disrespect in Nightmare's tone, smirking, "Error. I'm Error. I'm commonly known as the one who eradicates these trash worlds which call themselves AUs. That, and I erase any UNWANTED STATIC that tries to get in my way, or even stop me...namingly YOU." 

Nightmare didn't seem very threatened by the destroyer or his little threats. "You underestimate me destroyer. You are out-numbered, and out-skilled. I find it almost funny that you would even challenge me..." Nightmare seemed to suddenly catch an idea. His eye narrowed, and he smiled, "Error. I wonder, what is your goal? Your purpose? Your want? It is something I'm slightly interested, seeing as you've come here unannounced and without verbal cause. So I wonder, what brought you here?" 

Error seemed slightly taken aback by the question, but answered nonetheless, "Like I said. To destroy. And I'm only here because you're awfully loud for as unthreatening as you actually are." Nightmare tried his best to fight his temper, and turned to Killer, nodding at him before turning back to Error. "Error, I may have a proposition for you. You wish to destroy? And I want to rule the multiverse by spreading negativity and pain. Perhaps, you could work under me? You'd be accomplishing both our goals by doing this."

Error seemed intrigued by Nightmare's offer, and he thought about it. After a moment's thought, he made up his mind. No need to think long and hard about this. Smart thinking came with better consequences than long thinking after all, "Alright Nightmare. Fine, I'll accept your little offer. However, I have conditions."

Nightmare was slightly surprised at how easily Error agreed, until he realized that he was in over his head if he didn't expect conditions to follow. Begrudgingly, he answered, "Mhh, don't get too greedy with these." Error rolled his eyes, beginning, "One. I don't take orders a from ANYONE. I'm not some subordinate who will follow you around. I'm only doing this for myself." Nightmare groaned, but allowed Error to carry on with the next condition. "Condition two Nightmare, is one that should be simple. If we come across Ink Sans at anytime... HE'S MINE TO KILL." Error said this very seriously. Nightmare figured that this was no request, and just a statement of action. Nightmare nodded in a agreement nonetheless. It made his job easier. "Anything else?"

"One more thing. I know that you have a castle. It's somewhere in your AU. If you expect me to live there, then I want the first choice on a bedroom. And it better be good-sized." Nightmare nodded, accepting Error's terms. He didn't like Error's tone, or that he was a bit of a demanding bitch. What mattered was that Error would be a major advance for Nightmare's rule. Killer growled in slight discontent, having wanted the first room pick for himself. 

Error didn't even realize how fast that went by until he heard skittering. Most likely a survivor. The destroyer turned his head in the direction of the noise, but it didn't sound again. Good. Error smirked to himself, thinking. 'Sure, I didn't get a new puppet...

But this should be interesting.'

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