Chapter 18 - Return

Start from the beginning

"S- sorry guys!  We didn't know if you were the enemy or not!" I spit out

"D- don't sweat it" They lower their hands "Anyway, we got the final part for (Y/N)"

Fabel pulls out a cylindrical rod from her satchel.  It glowed an ominous light blue color and emitted a strange warped noise when close.

"What the hell is that?" I fire

"That right there is a very vital power source for the machine"

(Y/N) takes the rod from Fable, inspecting it carefully

"Thank you so much guys, it's just what we needed" He thanked

"Anytime man, we're glad to help you and the team.  If you need anything else, feel free to give us a shout" Dire responded

"Will do, thanks again"

The duo leaves the room, leaving (Y/N) and I alone again.  He goes over to the control board and sinks underneath it.  He lays on his back while fumbling around with a panel underneath.  He then carefully placed the rod in the power station, and carefully closed the panel and securing it in place.  I stare at him with curiosity as he rises back up to his feet.

"Yes?" He asks

"What is that exactly?"

"The power source fo-" He begins

"No shit Sherlock, but what is it?" I fire impatiently

"O- oh!  It's a rare material called Blu Glo, which is not found commonly on the island.  We had Fable and Dire contact someone to smuggle it in for us"

"Oh, is it illegal then?  It's a common power source on the mainland"

"Well, it's not ordinary Blu Glo.  It comes from a very rare source that has specific properties to allow rifts to be created and locations determined manually" He answered

"Is it dangerous then?" I ask, slightly worried

"If handled carefully and correctly, then no"

Oh great, this could kill us.  I mean why wouldn't it?  Everything on this godforsaken planet wants to or is trying to kill us.

He turns towards me, but before I could hide my worried expression his face went from lighthearted to deep concern.

"Hey, there's nothing to worry about.  It's been carefully packaged, transferred, and installed.  There is nothing to be fearful of.  I wouldn't do anything to harm you or Deadfire, I can't live with myself if I hurt my friends, let alone kill them" He reassured

Doubt existed as a wall in the depths of my mind, but his voice was a battering ram breaking it down.  I knew how I feel about (Y/N), but I can't let it get in the way of the mission at stake.  There are greater things at stake, and love will have to wait.  Besides, he probably doesn't feel the same anyway.  I gave him a cliché sap story known as my life, acted like a clumsy idiot, and awkwardly stare at each other from time to time.  That sounds like a disastrous impression to me.

I'm brought back to the present by the touch of a hand on my shoulder.  I look up to see (Y/N) directly close in front of me, concern still prevalent on his face.

"Calamity..." He begins

Maybe he does like me that way and my eyes are covered by a veil of doubt?  I long for the words I wish for him to speak, to display his true feelings and assure my feelings were returned.

"The rift is ready"


"O- oh," A hint of disappointment in my voice "I'll go get Deadfire the-"

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