What They're Tired of Hearing // 2

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Wampus - You can't // You hate when people tell you that you can't, because then you HAVE TO

Pukwudgie - You're not helping // You hate hearing this, because you're always helping and you are always there to fix things, but when someone tells you this, it's like being stabbed in the heart.

Horned Serpent - There's nothing you can do about it // You tend to be very critical, and try to take everything into consideration. You are constantly taking on new things and defeating them. Being told this both angers you and provokes you. Once this is said, you take it as a challenge and refuse to prove them right.

Thunder Bird - I'm tired of you // As a Thunder Bird, you almost breath in new things every day. You are an adventurer, and sometimes hard to keep up with. Your head is in the clouds and you may tend to be outgoing, most of the time. Being told that someone is tired of you can feel like you've been stabbed and may confuse you. You tend to be a bit oblivious sometimes, and not notice little signs someone could be giving off. You hate to feel like a burden, much less a boring one.

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