I was woken up by the sound of an alarm going off. Kaitlynn busted in my room. "Get up now! And put this on". She threw a pair of black jeans and black leather jacket. "Why? What's going on" i start to change. "It's time for you to be my solider, it's time to fight." I don't know what the fuck is going on, but i don't care. She comes over to me and grabs my wrist. "Don't think about running". She takes the bracelet off. I instantly feel heat flow through my body, the ring of fire forms around my eyes. I nod. She leave the room.

I take a deep breathe and i walk out. There is smoke and fire and i hear gunshots everywhere. I look over and i see someone with an bow and arrow shooting at a man. I run over and i hit him catching him off guard. "What the fuc- y/n?" I don't know him, how does he know me. And then i see a man in a grey iron suit, and i see Wanda and Nat. "Wh-What are you doing here here?" I stop fighting. "To save you!" Wanda says. "I don't want to be saved" i look at them who look at me confused. "Y/n come on-.". "You shouldn't have come" i turn around and motion for the men to attack again. I try walking way up something grabbed my hand.

Well actually webbed "go away peter, before you get hurt" i burn off the web. He shoots another, "Peter." I burn it off but he shoots another. "I SAID GO AWAY!" I turn back and my fist and eyes where on fire. "Y/n STOP AND JUST LOOK AT ME! We are trying to save you!". "I CANT BE SAVED! I DONT WANT TO BE SAVED!" What doesn't he understand. "Look at you! You've been tortured!" "You cant torture someone who has nothing left to take away peter" "y/n why are you saying this. We trying to help, you've been missing for 40 days, tortured for 40 days-."

"I KNOW! Okay i know, i know better than anyone. But I'm tired, of pretending that everything is okay, of- of fighting, of trying to understand why my dad didn't want me, I'm tired of being saved!." Everyone had stopped fighting and all eyes where on us. " THEY WHERE KILLING YOU!!" " SO?" I snap back. "How can you care so little about yourself?" "Pete please just leave me alone" i start to sob. "No he won't. And i won't" my dad drops down in front of us. "Y/n we are going home" he steps closer.

"I don't have a home". I say straight faced "yes you do, it's with all of us.". Everyone nods "where were you? FORTY DAYS! WHERE WERE YOU?!?!" I move closer and hit his suit crying. "we were looking y/n baby we where". I start to feel myself getting madder and madder. I push him away, "Did you forget why i even left in the first place?! because YOU sent people after me to attack me, YOU made me fight, YOU caused me pain, at the end of the day YOU are no better then THEM" i motion at the guys who where fighting them.

" I WAS WRONG! i was wrong, i said i was doing it to protect you but i was really doing it for me, i was- so scared. I didn't know how to handle the situation and i thought that would be best i thought you would have understood but i was wrong. And y/n i am so so so sorry.But don't you dare think, for one second that there is anything, past or present that i would put i front of you, and i need you to see that y/n"I faced my back towards them.

"Kitty? You know that we love you. We all love you. We've all made some mistakes we regret more than anything. Some more than most. But you are apart of us, you are an avenger, you are family. And we are not leaving without you." "Y/n...." Peter walks up and grabs my hand. "...please" i look into his eyes and i see i hurt him, i hurt all of them. I turn back around. "Okay. Let's go hom- ZZZZZZAHHHHH" Kaitlynn started shocking me again, this time so much harder than the last. "AHHH PL- AHHH STOP!" "LET HER GO!" Peter yells trying to get to her but of the guys hold her back.

Everyone starts fighting but no one can get to Kaitlynn. The pain is making my ears ring, and my vision go blurry. God I'm dizzy. With ever bit of will i have in my body, i stand up and face her. I take a few steps and she shocks me again, making me drop back onto my knees, i get back up, and i take a few more steps, shocked me again, this time, i felt that it did real damage. But soon i was standing i from of her. I hit the button out of her hand and grabbed her neck. "I told you, that you can torture me and i wouldn't break. I had my moments of weakness but i never break. Can't say the same about you."

Never meant to be. (Peter Parker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now