Chapter 11

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3rd POV
"fuck fuck fuck FUCK!!!" Tony throws his phone at the walls "Langu-." "STEVE!!"he yells back. "We're looking everywhere, she took her stuff and her suit, she's safe. We will find her tony" Nat says. Tony called all the avengers once he realized y/n was missing. Except peter, He was already dealing with y/n he couldn't deal with another emotional hormonal teenager. Y/n is on a plane to Russia, she called her friend Kaitlynn and told her she's on her way. She's going to stay at the school.

Time skip——-
15 hour flight later, and I'm home. It was nice to breathe different air. I got a taxi and took it to the school, i turned off my phone, it was blowing up with messages from everyone. Ned and Mj even texted me, only about peter, they said he didn't come to school today and he's not answering his phone. It's probably because he's with tony looking for me. They won't find me though.

"YO BITCH! WHY YOU LAYING ON MY BED?!" I open the door to my friend Kaitlynns room. "Y/N!!!!!" She jumps up and hugs me, "OMG IVE MISSED YOU SOO MUCH! Everyone else here are either Stuck up bitches or doesn't speak English." We laugh, i set my stuff now and fall onto the bed. "So?". She looks at me with big eyes. "So what?" I'm confused. "Where is it? Your suit". "Oh yea look at this, i was working on it when i got some spear time." I clicked a button my wrist and my suit starts to form around my body.

"Woah! That's fucking dope!" She felt the suit. "It's nanotechnology, first of its kind". "Ahh big words, what it really is, is cool.". We both laugh. "Y/n... why are you back?" Her eyes grew sympathetic, "cuz i missed you, duh" i playfully hit her arm. "No y/n come on, seriously, why are you here. I mean you left 2 months ago, went home to your Billionaire superhero father, superhero boyfriend-." I interrupted her. "He's not my boyfriend." She ignored me and kept going. "My point is, why come back to this shit hole, you have a great life"

"This shit hole is my home-.". "Was." She corrected me. "IS! It is my home, i feel safe and wanted and happy here." "Home is where your heart is, that's your family, that's your father, your friends, the people who love you. Wether you think so or not.". I came here to escape the lectures and bullshit. She gets up and starts throwing my bags out the door, "i love you y/n i really do, I'm doing this for your own good." "Kait come on-." She starts pushing me out the door. I feel like my temp rising, and my veins turns red.

She jumps back in pain. She looks at me, terrified. "Oh my - Kaitlynn I'm sorry i didn't-." "Go Home y/n, go back to your family". She shuts the door. What am i supposed to do now, I'm in Russia, 15 hours away from anyone who could help me, I'm not going home, and I'm not calling dad. Fuck what am i going to do. I get a ride into the city, Russia is pretty scary at night, I was walking down the street and in the shadows of the street lights i could see someone walking behind me.

Fine, it's a sidewalk, of course there's people walking. I decided to take a few turns but they still followed me, i glances back to see a man in a black hood, well this doesn't seem suspicious as fuck. I turn into an ally way and quickly hide being something, he turns the corner looking for me. He turns his back towards where I'm at and i hit and throw him against the wall. "WHO ARE YOU?! HUH? WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME?" He didn't say anything, just smiled. "WHO ARE Y-." I felt this sharp pain on the back of my head and then darkness.

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