Chapter 6

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I swing down to her. "Y/n!" She jumps and drops her keys. "Damn dude you scared me" she laughs picking up her keys still trying to open the door. "What the hell are you doing?" I take her keys. "First of all, dont cuss young man, second all, give me back my fucking keys bitch" she reached for the but i pull back. I roll my eyes, I'm to tired to deal with this. I grab her and swing up. "Woah cool your Spider-Man". Oh my god. This is going to be a long night.

We swung through Queens, occasionally having to stop being y/n would get sick and throw up. 'I can't take her home yet, mr.stark will be so mad' i though to my self sitting on a bench while y/n talked to a garden nome. I didn't want to tell her it wasn't real, she was having fun. She stumbles over to me. "Spider-kid. Where are we?".

"I- it's Spider-Man. We are in a park.". "K umm cool can you like leave me alone" she starts to walk away. Well not walk more like wobble.
"Y/n where are you going?". "How do you know my name?!" She made a funny surprised face.
"Come on Im going to take you home.". I try and grab her but she pushed me back. "No. I'm not going home and your ruining my night." She starts pouting.

"I was supposed to get so drunk i couldn't remember my name then forget everything else. My pain.". She stares at the ground. "Y/n what's wrong?". She looks up and her eyesM are filled with tears. " this isn't right okay? He shouldn't have sent me away but he did. I used to want to be my dad when i was little. He was so strong and brave and smart. Now? I can't even look at him. Truth is i was never meant to be here, let alone be his daughter. Same way he was never meant to be a father"

"Y/n he loves you and cares about you. He did what he had to do to protect you. He couldn't lose you, he couldn't have that on his conscious." She wont look me in the eyes.
"Your sweet peter, and innocent, so i get why you don't understand. But sometimes things were never meant to be, no matter how much we wish they were". "I do". I move closer to her.

"I do understand. My parents died in a plane crash when i was little. I moved in with my. Aunt May and Uncle Ben, but my Uncle Ben died a year ago. I wish i got the chance to fight with them, or argue, or even just remember a conversation with them. If i had the chance you have, i would just hug them y/n." I few tears escape my eyes. "just don't take it for granted, cuz some of us arnt that lucky"

"Ohh pete i- Im- i". "It's okay really, I'm okay. Just talk to your dad, neither of you deserve the way you feel right now." She nods her head and wipes her tears. "Um now that I'm a little more sober.. can you take me home" i nod and we get into the city so i can start swinging.

We land in front of the Avengers Facility, i climb up to y/na window. She holding on to my back, halfway through the her breathing got lighter and she fell asleep. I quietly open the window and crawl through. I lay y/n on her bed, take off her shoes and tuck her in. I go to go back out the window but she starts talking. "Hey Peter?".

"Yea y/n? Your cool, and pretty cute. I like you". Thank god it's dark cuz my face turned bright red. "I- i- i l- i" i studded so much. "And if you tell anyone about this I'll hurt you". I smile a little, her and stark are so much alike.
"Goodnight y/n". *Snoring* "i like you too". I smile and close the window.


I'm not sure what it is with me waking up with a throbbing head ache but here to another morning. It's 6am, was it he beat idea to go out and get drunk on a Tuesday? Probably not. I laid in bed for 20 minutes trying to get up. That's it, fuck it, I'm not going. I do decide to take a shower, i smell like booze and grass? Wtf did i do last night? I only remember some parts, like stealing the car and my talk with peter.

Anyways i stumble into the bathroom and turn on the shower, i start to undress and i look in the mirror. "What the hell". All the veins in my arms up to my neck are red. I run my hands up and down them, feeling the heat radiating from them. I tear falls down my face, i looks away from the mirror and get in the shower. Can't see me cry if I'm in the shower.

I shower for an hour, i really needed it. I change into some clothes and head down to the living room. I smell food, which is weird because i know nobody in the house knows how to cook. I look into the kitchen and see my dad putting some pancakes on a plate. "What's all this?" I ask sitting down. "Chocolate chip, your favorite". "I know but how did you do this, you can't cook shit" i laughs. "Hey!watch your language, and yea i can". I tilt my head at him. "Okay shut up, i hired someone". He laughs.

"Look Im sorry-." "No im sorry". We both start to say. "No please listen, i know I'm a shitty dad, and you deserve so much better. I know I've made mistakes in the past, and they haunt me every night. I- i sent you away because i was scared to lose you. And i was scared of being a father. I was never meant to be a dad, i was the playboy genius living out his billionaire life, when one day a woman came along and told me i was going to be a father.

For the longest i dreaded it, i thought about running from it, but when i looked into your beautiful little eyes, i knew i could never leave you, or hurt you like my father did to me. But after the attack on New York, i got massive anxiety attacks, and i was struggling to even keep myself alive, let alone the one thing i love most in the world. So against all other options, i sent you away, and it was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Every birthday i missed, every Christmas and thanksgiving all of it, i missed out on, and trust it hurt me more than it hurt you.

But do i regret it? No, you are alive and semi- healthy. That's all i ever wanted. So I'm sorry if you hate me, but i did what i had to, and if i could do it again i would.". Tears stream down both of our faces. "I don't hate you dad, i know you where just trying to keep me safe. I was just in so much pain, i already didn't have a mom and you sending me away felt like loosing a father too. But i never lost sight of the fact that you where trying to protect me.

I'm sorry for being such a pain in the ass since I've been back. I a lot happened in the last 6 years and I've been through some shit that's put me through some pain and I'm just trying to work through it, i don't mean to take it out on you..... i love you daddy" he pulls me into a very tight hug, "i love you too y/n".

We both take a second and get our selfs together. "Now eat up, we have some stuff to do". He gets up and walks towards the elevator. "What do you mean?". "You may be home but threats are still around, i was thinking maybe a suit would be a good way to insure your safety." I chocked on my pancake. "LIKE AN IRON SUIT?!?!". Yep, hurry, i want to teach you how to make one". I shoveled the rest into my mouth and ran down to the lab. This is amazing, I've always wanted one but i knew he wouldn't ever let me!!

Never meant to be. (Peter Parker x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt