Chapter 8

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OMGOMGOMGOMGONGBSBSHDGDUSNDBDSISB I kissed peter Parker.... I KISSED PETER PARKER!!!' omg i dad can not find out. He would kill me... no he would kill him. Literally.... iron man vs Spider-Man does sound interesting... wait no. No he can not find out. "HELLO?!! earth to y/n??" Steve snaps in my face. "Wha- huh? Oh sorry I was zoned out. Uh what's up?". I shake out of thought. "There is a meeting tomorrow. All the ex- avengers will be here. Thor is coming back today and the King of Wakanda will be here tomorrow morning-

-Bruce, Vision, Bucky, etc. So it will be very tense and hectic.". "Ohhh okay, umm question. Will peter be apart of this meeting?". He squints his eyes at me. "Yessss?" He drawls it out "why do you ask?" He smirks a little. "No- no reason- hahah- Umm just wondering".. "okayy? Anyways, your dad doesn't want you to be here during the meeting-." I cut him off. "Why?" I say defensively. "There's just a lot you don't understand... about what happened and things" he looks away. I got aggravated. I'm so sick and tired of everybody hiding what happened.

I stand up and grab my bag while Steve is still talking. "W-where are you going?" He yells as i walk out the door. I slam the door. I sneak past Happy grab Some keys. And I'm driving myself to school today. I head into the city. I stop and get some coffee and decide to call Peter. "Yo" i says "W-whats up y/n?". "Where you at?". "In front of Mr.Delmers. Why?". I press a button on the wheel and ended the call. I see peter and pull up, i roll down the window. "Get in Loser, we're going to school". I laugh and he gets in.

It was kinda awkward and quite at first. The last time we saw each other we kinda... kissed! "Soo uh- excited for the meeting tomorrow?" He asked. "I'm not going" i say with a straight face. "Why?" He asked confused. "I'm not aloud. Daddy said no" i say with a major attitude. "Ohh it's probably for the best". He says as i pull up to be school. "Why is that?" We both get out of the car. Remind you it's a very very very expensive car so everyone is looking.

"Because-." He starts to talk but someone comes up to me. "Woah sick car!!! Why is someone driving that- hanging out with Penis Parker?" He and his buddies laugh. "Excuse me?" I step closer to him. "I said why is-." I push him into the walk near him. "I heard what you said. And if i where you, id watch what i say cuz I'm am not the one to play with. Got it?". Peter interrupts "uhh y/n?". I ignore him. "Why do you have to pick on hi-." I kept yelling at the boy. "Y/N!" Peter grabs me and drags me back to the car. "What the hell peter?" I push him away.

"Look" he push my arms up to my eyes. My veins where red again. "Fuck... why does this keep happening". I get even more aggravated. "Uh-.". "I don't understand what I'm doing wrong!!' Why does it have to be me!". He keep getting angrier. "y/n" Peter says quietly and looking at me softly. "WHAT PETER?!" I yell at him cuz I'm annoyed. Then i look down and my hands are on fire. He turns the car mirror towards me and my eyes are glowing orange. "Damnit" i whisper in defeat.

Peter grabs my hand. But whines in pain. "Omg peter are you okay? I'm so sorry".. "I'm okay
y/n really". He walks towards me again and touches my hand. I move back out he puts me closer. He hugs me. I can feel his heart jump from the pain but he doesn't let go. I start to feel myself calm down and the fire goes away. "You know you have to tell you dad..." he says softly. "I know" i whisper and a tear escapes. "Want to go home?" He asked pulling away from the hug. "No- no - come on. Let's go to class. We're already late". I kindly smile. But it's fake. He does too.

We walk to our first class. But before we walk in i stop peter. I grab his face with one hands and bring him close to me. I gently kiss him on the lips. I feel his face heat up, "w-w-w-what was that f-for?". "Just thank you, for being here for me". I walk into class he follows behind. "Nice for you to finally join us Mr. Parker and Mrs.Smith". The teacher said kinda fake. "They where probably smashing" that's same annoying as boy said, making the whole class laughs. I stand up, but peter grabs my arms and pulls me back down. The class continues to laughs. "Okay class, quite down"

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