1 | Hard-Knock Life

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"FUCKING HELL!" The blood flowed like a lazy river as the cold blade sliced through my flesh. I clench onto the table beneath me.

"Hold still." She hissed.

That sharp pain in my lower left abdomen made it almost unbearable. I bit down on my lower lip to eliminate the sounds. I look down to see she was making the last final cut.

"Hurry the fuck up, damn." I threw my head back down and I could hear the others that surrounded, snicker.

"Finished asshole." I felt the cold blade leave my stomach. I finally sat up to see what she carved into my skin. "Alright losers, show's over. You can all leave so we can have our sappy moment."

The inmates whisper amongst one another as they leave the area. Leaving only me and my best friend, Natty. I couldn't take my eyes off the bloody fresh roman numeral X, carved into my lower left abdomen. In prison it's a tradition to carve into you how long you served.

"Don't let him influence you. Remember the plan and stick to it. He's the whole reason you're in this mess." Natty spoke again with a stern voice.

I carefully tucked my arms back into my orange overalls.

"I know Natty."

She continues to say, "And don't forget to get money, no money means no food. I know how much you love your fucking food."

Natty and I met in juvenile detention back when we were 14 years old. She was always the organized, level headed one. And I was... not.

"I won't Natty."

"Oh I almost forgot, there's a-"

"Natalie Lorenzo, Shut the fuck up!" She immediately does and I let out a sigh. "I'm gonna miss you bitch. Stop trying to distract yourself."

She looks down in defeat.
"You're leaving me here with these idiots. How the hell am I supposed to get out on good behavior?"

I smile, "You'll figure it out... you always do."

"Keira Sterling, it's time to go." Daniel, one of the guards informs.

"I love you." I pull her into a hug and I felt her burry her chin on my shoulder.

"I love you too, Keira." When she lets me go from her grasp she smirks. "Now go make that son of a bitch pay."

I turn around placing an evil smirk on my face.
"Let's go Daniels, I have big plans that needs to be set in motion."

I've been waiting for this day since my trial. I will never forget that horrific day that caused me to be here.

The blood flowed thickly from their bodies. Real blood is nothing like movie blood, just as real death is nothing like movie death.

I stare, unable to move as blood gushes from their wounds. Then I come back to life and run to their sides.

"No," I whisper, feeling the pool of blood beneath my knees. "Stay with me!"

I applied pressure on their gunshot wounds. But it didn't help the situation. It was too late for my dad, his body became pale. When I felt my mom's cold hand place on mine, I knew. In that moment we were saying goodbye.

"I'm so sorry Mom... I love you." I began to cry. "I'm sorry..."

I watched my mom take her last breath before giving into the light. Before I knew it the front door flew open, followed by many cops flooding in with guns.

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