"We need to find out who," Betty says speaking up.

"I know where to start," Archie says looking away.

"Okay," I say looking out the window past Betty, "think you've got it? Or do you want me to go?"

"I think I need to do this alone," He says standing up.

"Keep us posted," Jug says to him. Archie nods before heading off leaving the three of us alone. Jughead looks over at me seeming extremely tired.

"What's up Juggie?" I ask him. He sighs.

"My mom bought the Cooper house," He informs me. The two nod tensely, "which is so awkward."

"Yeah that's got to be," I say to him, "I'm really sorry. So what are your parents going to do?"

"My mom wants to sell and his wants to buy so its being finalized," Betty says, "but it sucks cause I'm losing my childhood home."

"Yeah I understand," I say to her, "well you can bunk with me if you like? I always have room. And you know Fred Andrews wouldn't mind."

"Currently I'm staying with Vee," Betty says, "I'll be fine. Its just going to be different."

"I know," I say patting her arm supportively. I look over to Jug. "So your mom and your sister are staying?"

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I mean buying a place makes it seem permeant," I say to him, "you they are in fact staying?"

"Oh yeah," He says, "At least that's what my mom says. Something about wanting a real family. A white picket fence all American dream."

"Its what you deserve," I say honestly to him, "you've had a rough life. Honestly we all deserve that sense of calm. And don't think buying the house was out of malice Betty. She most likely didn't know."

"Right," Betty says, "I guess with both just try to stay afloat then." She looks over to Jug then back at me. "In the mean time lets focus our energy into helping Archie."

"Of course," I say to her, "but if you- either of you, want to relax for a bit. I'm working at the speakeasy tonight and It'll be fun. Girls night tonight so girls get drinks half off."

"Maybe," Betty says, "I guess I'll just see."

"What about you Jug?" I ask him.

"Oh I think I should hang out with JB tonight," He says, "sorry?"

"Its completely fine," I say to him understanding. I look down at my watch. "Well call me if anything happens with Archie."

"Where are you going?" Betty asks.

"A movie with Sweet Pea and Fangs," I say to them, "we are going to see Shazam."

"Oh really?" Jug asks, "when did you all get buddy buddy again?"

"I just- I can hang out with them again," I say looking away, "um I'll catch you guys later." I stand up moving from the booth nervously. Sure I don't want to let him treat me like that but I also understand the tension between us still from the breakup. I climb into my truck and head straight to the theaters. Once there I see Fangs and Sweet Pea standing in front of the theater laughing. I walk towards them forcing a smile over my face. "Hey losers?"

"Hey Chicca," Fangs says smiling at me, "you good?"

"Of course I'm good," I say to them, "I'm doing great. I'm rocking this single thing."

"You sure are," Sweet Pea says smiling down at me, "now lets go rock this movie as three single bros."

"Three single bros?" I ask him, "I thought your date was Fangs?" He rolls his eyes as Fangs chuckles. Much like Reggie and Moose, and Archie and Jug, these two have their wild bromance.

Paranoia // Third Book To The Lucky SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now