Chapter 27 ~ Movie Party

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When Nate woke up the next morning, he was still thinking of what would happen when Mat had to leave. He was so used to having him here with him. But Mat was gonna have to go home at some point. 

Nate thought about what Steph was like when Jason was absent yesterday. He couldn't help but to think that he would be like that when Mat left. That's a different type of lonely. He didn't want to be like that. He didn't want to feel like that.

"What'cha thinking about baby?" Mat asked, pressing a kiss to the top of Nate's head.

"Nothing." Nate said, burying his face further into Mat's chest.

"It's something." Mat said. Nate looked at the clock. It was still early. They didn't have to get up for about 45 minutes.

"Just thinking about what happens when you leave." Nate sighed.

"Don't worry. I'll never be far, and I will still see you at school and be in all your classes." Mat said, but Nate could tell that he was worried that he would be lonely too. "We'll be okay, I promise." Nate hugged him tight. "Go back to sleep, baby boy. We still have time before school."

"I'll try." Nate tried to fall asleep and he eventually did but it only felt like 5 minutes before Mat was shaking him awake.

"Wake up baby boy." Mat whispered in his ear.

"Nooo." Nate whined.

"It's time to start the day." Mat said, sitting up and bringing Nate with him. 

"No, if the day passes then you're closer to leaving me." Nate whined into Mat's chest. Mat brought Nate's face to his and gave him a kiss.

"I'm not leaving you, I'm just not gonna be here all the time." 

"Maaaat." Nate kissed Mat again, before standing up. "Fine." They got dressed and ate and then met Steph and started walking to school.

"Jason is feeling better so he's gonna be in school today!" Steph said excitedly. When the school came into view she ran ahead. Jason saw her and hugged her, picking her up and spinning her around. They kissed and pulled back, staring at each other. Mat and Nate passed by.

"Bye Steph, see ya next period." Nate said. It didn't matter, they were too absorbed by each other to notice anything else around them.

"See? Even if we don't see each other every night, we'll still be okay." Mat said. Nate just sighed. They made it to class and sat down. Nate put all his attention into his favorite subject. When the class ended they made their way to the next one. Steph looked happy.

"I can't wait for the movie party!" Steph said as they sat in their seats. "Jason is feeling better so we will be able to go!" She exclaimed, a smile on her face. 

"Cool, we're still going, right?" Nate asked Mat.

"Of course we are. It's gonna be fu-" Mat said, before getting shushed by Mr. Burnham. They stayed quiet for the rest of class. Throughout study hall Steph kept talking about Saturday while cuddling up to Jason, and Nate just laid his head on Mat's shoulder and tried to sleep.

Nate jerked up when the bell rang, surprised. Mat giggled. They got up and walked to lunch. When they sat down they all got into conversations. Towards the end of lunch Ethan addressed the whole table.

"So you can all come over at 6. I have a bunch of movies and snacks. My parents are visiting my aunt for the weekend so they won't be there to tell us to turn it down." Ethan said.

"Cool!" Louise said. Everyone nodded. The bell rang and everyone went in their different directions. The rest of the school day went fine. Brandon even sat on the other side of the classroom in their last period.

Nate and Mat walked home with Steph. They made it inside and got a snack. Nate sighed, still thinking about when Mat leaves, which is even sooner now.

"Nate, we'll be okay. I promise." Mat said, knowing what Nate was thinking about. He carried Nate to the couch and they ate their snacks while cuddling.

"But I'm gonna miss this." Nate said.

"I'll come over sometimes. I can visit. I just won't be here all the time." Nate didn't say anything just sat there. They spent the rest of the day just enjoying each other's presence. 

Nate woke up at noon thirty. (It's just something weird I say.) Nate was happy. He's never had more than Steph for a movie night, and now he has a whole circle of friends. 

When it was 5:45 Mat came around Mat stood up from the couch where him and Nate were sitting. 

"We should get going. We wanna make it to the movie party don't we?" Mat said.

"Yeah." Nate threw Mat his car keys. "I don't know where Ethan lives."

"That's okay. Let's go." Mat carried Nate to his car and put him down at the passenger door. He then went to the driver's side. Nate got in. He was so excited. They pulled up at Ethan's and knocked on his door.

"Hey guys! Come in!" Ethan said happily. "Right in there is the family room, I'm just getting more snacks. Nate and Mat made their way into the room and took a seat on the love seat, cuddling into each other. They heard Ethan answer the door and Louise came through the door. She dramatically fell onto the sofa.

"Hi. You good?" Nate said.

"I walked a very long 2 minutes to get here." Louise let out a big sigh. Then she laughed and sat up. "Hey guys. How are you." She asked.

"Good." Nate said.

"I'm excited for a nice movie night." Mat said. He pulled Nate closer to him. Phil came stumbling into the family room. 

"Hey guys." He said, sitting next to Louise on the couch. A chorus of 'hey's rang through the room. Ethan came in the room and put the snacks on the table. They heard a knock on the door.

"I've got it!" Ethan said. Shortly after Steph and Jason came in. "Okay that's everyone." Steph and Jason sat on the floor in front of the couch and Ethan took the seat in between Louise and Phil.

"Yeah. It's too bad Dan couldn't come." Phil said. 

Ethan put in the first movie, which happened to be the Avengers. Mat and Nate looked at everyone who were all smiling. Steph and Jason cuddled on the floor and Mat and Nate cuddled together on the love seat. They all had fun, eating snacks, occasionally talking to each other and watching movie after movie.

As the night went on, everyone got sleepy and were starting to fall asleep. Nate smiled at his new friends. He fell asleep surrounded by people who liked him, that was a wonderful feeling.

In the sleepy haze he forgot about his worries about Mat going home.

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