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sunlight steamed in, waking chase up. he couldn't help but smile at kathryn claire, who was curled into his chest.

he looked down at her, studying her delicate features. she looked almost angelic. he resisted the urge to run his fingers along her cheek, like she had done to him the night before.

he had nearly forgotten how to breathe when she had touched him, an innocent touch but a touch that had sent jolts of electricity through his system.

it when then that chase realized that he was in trouble, he was falling fast and hard. he was terrified of telling her, terrified that she would reject him or worse, let him love her only to leave, just like alicia had.

kathryn claire stirred, snapping chase out of his thoughts. a smile spread across her face as she looked up at him, "good morning." she murmured. "am i a blanket hog?"

chase shook his head, "nope."

"sorry for being in your personal space," she apologized, trying to wiggle away from him. chase stopped her with one of his arms, keeping her close to him.

"don't apologize, i liked it," chase murmured, feeling his cheeks heat up. the truth of it was that he more than liked it — if he woke up like this every day, he would be the happiest man on the planet.

kathryn claire look up at him, biting on her lip like she wanted to say something but she had thought better of it. she sighed, "i guess we should get a move on." she sat up, looking at chase expectantly.

chase groaned, "can we take today to rest? i usually take mondays to rest. believe it or not, being in that hot car is exhausting. it's an off week so i'm not in a hurry."

she nodded before laying back on her pillow, "it has been a long time since i haven't done anything besides lay in bed."

"today feels like a great day to do it," chase pointed out, kathryn claire agreeing.

they laid there in a comfortable silence for a moment before kathryn claire rolled over to face chase, propping her head up on her hand. "have you talked to ryan?"

chase shook his head, "i'm not sure i want to."

"you know pretending there isn't a problem isn't going to help." she pointed out.

chase bit the inside of his tongue to prevent himself from hurling a sarcastic comment at her. deep down he knew she was right, but it was so easy to focus on her and forget that not only did his girlfriend continuously cheat on him, she had hooked up with his best friend and he had been none the wiser. he let out a resigned sigh, "i just hope that by forgetting about it, it'll stop hurting." chase winced a little at the vulnerability in his voice. he hated it, hated that he felt so exposed.

kathryn claire placed her free hand over chase's. "coming from somebody who tried that method, it doesn't work. it just sets you up for a breakdown."

he nodded, "i feel worthless. those were the two people that i trusted with my life and i can't think of a worse betrayal." his voice shook a little as he fought to keep it steady. "the only person i feel like i can trust is somebody i met on the internet and i find that kind of pathetic, no offense."

she patted his hand, "none taken. your life has been turned upside down and you weren't prepared. how could you be?" her hazel eyes clouded with first-hand knowledge of that brand of pain. "it's going to take time to be okay but you have to be open and honest with yourself. but most importantly you have to let yourself hurt."

chase nodded, "if engineering doesn't work out, i think you'd make a great therapist." he chuckled. he had to change the subject before his emotions got the better of him.

kathryn claire smiled knowingly, "i briefly considered it. psychology is my minor."

chase smiled, "you are kind of amazing, you know that?" he thought about the possible repercussions of telling her about the feelings he had for her that had started to emerge. he couldn't risk her rejecting him, no -- he needed her too much for that to happen.

she flipped her oak curls, "i might have an inkling. but seriously chase, i'm always here. your emotions will never be too big for me to handle. "

chase nodded, wishing he could believe her last statement.

Only the Lonely {Chase Elliott} ✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum