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@racer0909 has liked four tweets

@racer0909 is now following you

one new message


kathryn claire stared at her phone, trying to decide if she should reply to the stranger who had messaged her. normally she wouldn't have any problem with it but this profile had a car for a profile picture, setting off all sorts of alarms off in her head.

but she clicked to reply anyway, what harm could it do? she used this twitter account specifically for racing and she didn't use her full name or picture either.


kathryn claire sighed as she shut her phone off. part of her hoped that whoever this was was somebody interesting. she worked all the time to keep herself afloat so she didn't really have much free time, the free time she had was devoted to watching NASCAR races. she had watched them every sunday with her grandfather. now, she watched them alone, the fast cars and the handsome drivers helping her to forget her loneliness for a few hours every sunday.

how's it going?

"yo, KC, get back to work" her manager yelled from the kitchen.

kathryn claire sighed. she hated being a waitress but college tuition had to be paid, as did rent and she needed to eat. this random twitter guy would have to wait awhile.


"chase, you down to go out tonight?" ryan asked, startling chase. ryan couldn't help but chuckle that his friend had been so engrossed with his phone that he hadn't even noticed his presence.

"oh yeah, of course." chase dimmed his phone screen, looking up at his best friend.

"everything okay? you seem preoccupied today," ryan observed. chase had always been on the reserved side but today he had been even more so that usual.

chase nodded but he was lying. he didn't really feel okay, after finding out the woman he thought he was going to marry had been cheating on him the entire time but he didn't really want to tell ryan that. instead, he was using a random girl on twitter to distract him... that is until she stopped responding.

"okay man, well i'll see you later." ryan stood up, exiting the motorhome.

chase's phone vibrated, a message from the girl. he didn't even know her name, all it said was KC. he assumed those were her initials or something but he wasn't sure.

it's going. i'm so sorry
for the late response...
wasn't ignoring you, just
had to work

phew, i was sure
that i had scared you
off or something ha

ah, it would take
a whole lot more
to scare me off

good to know.

how are you though?

chase paused, he wasn't sure how to answer. but he ached to share his heartbreak with someone and who better than a random person on twitter? somebody who had no clue that he was chase elliott, nascar's most popular driver.

to be honest, not the greatest.
i just found out that my girlfriend
has been cheating on me the entire
time that we've been together.
i feel like the last two years of my
life has been a lie.

a lump formed in Chase's throat. he had loved alicia with everything he had, only to find her in bed with someone else. in that moment he felt utterly worthless and maybe he was, chase wasn't sure.

he ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm himself down before ryan got back.

Only the Lonely {Chase Elliott} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now