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•Third Person POV•

After Mark and Jack kissed, Felix and Cry ran in and started yelling "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPP!!!!" as Felix threw glitter in the air.

"Shit!" Mark and Jack both yell; Felix and Cry scared them.

"Felix, I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!" Jack ran after Felix, holding the pocket knife he carries around. The same pocket knife he uses the cut himself everyday.

"Um, Jack!?" Mark says, grabbing a hold of Jack. "Why do you carry a knife with you..?" Mark says as Cry calms Felix down.

"Um.." Jack can't think of anything to say.

"Show me your arms.." Mark says. Jack tries to get away from Mark's grip, but Mark wouldn't let him go. "Please... Jack..." He says.

"O-okay..." Jack says. He pulls up both of his sleaves and looks away quickly as Mark, Cry, and Felix stare at his cut up and bruised arms. Mark's crying.

"Jack... Why...?" He asks, "Why did you do this to yourself...?"

The worst part was that the scars are new, and they hurt like hell.
"Because I don't wanna be alive, man... Life is to hard, everyone is out to get me, and my foster parents abuse me.." Jack says sadly.

"Jack..." Felix says while looking down. Jack noticed the tears streaming down Felix's face. He started crying.

~•Hello! Sorry for the short, depressing chapter.
If you are going through anything like this, whether it be self inflicted pain/cuts, suicidal thoughts, nonsuicidal self-injury, please know that you are cared for. People love you and you are special, worth it, smart, beautiful, and so much more. But most importantly, you are you. That's what matters.•~

True Love ~Sad Septiplier~ COMPLETE (EDITING IN PROCESS)Where stories live. Discover now