Episode 2: Fear (Part 2)

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I'm starting to question my eyesight now... 100 frickin reads...

(As Agate throws a magic blast at Betty, Frisk, Sans, and Gaster, Betty uses her Shield Of Determination to block it. She teleports behind Agate and hits her with her Sword Of Determination, throwing Agate into the side of a nearby building. However, she heals the wound caused by the sword with HATE, surprising everyone else, especially Betty.)

Agate: I gave you one trait... you were NOT SUPPOSED TO CHANGE IT!

Betty: That's none of your business. 

(Betty strikes Agate again with her sword, quickly switching back to her Fear trait to deal damage with her scythe.)

Agate: Fine, then. You win this round. But I swear, I'll be back... and I'll kill you all. 

(Agate then retreats, and Betty turns around to see Sans, Frisk, and Gaster staring at her, wide-eyed.)

Gaster: It appears the Determination you have is greater than we could've thought. 

(Soon after, Betty, Gaster, Sans, and Frisk arrive back at the Dreemurrs' house. Chara, Undyne, Asriel, Toriel, and Asgore are already inside, while Jessica Grey seems to have left.)

Chara: Hey, guys! Asriel, they're back!

Asriel: What took you guys so long to get back here from the lab?

Gaster: We were ambushed. Agate caught us on the way back. 

Chara: Well... how come you guys don't look hurt?

Frisk: ...Chara? May I... talk to you for a second? In the backyard?

Chara: Oh, uh, sure...

(As Frisk and Chara head to the backyard to talk, Toriel sets down a full butterscotch pie. Betty, remembering Frisk's suggestions, walks up to her.)

Betty: Uh, Miss Toriel? May I have a slice of the pie?

Toriel: Of course, Betty. 

(Toriel cuts a slice of the pie and places it on a separate plate, and gives it to Betty, who thanks her and sits down at the nearby table. Gaster soon sits next to her.)

Gaster: Uh, Betty?

Betty: Yeah?

Gaster: So... you can revive people, right?

Betty: Yeah... and I know what you're thinking. You want me to revive Alphys and Papyrus too, right?

Gaster: If you could, it would be nice. I just think they could help with our plan, and... well, in general, make everyone happy. But, I have to ask, if Frisk and Chara both have Determination souls, and they're both alive, how is that... possible?

Betty: (setting down her plate a small bit) *sighs* The chances are slim. But, it's not impossible, exactly. It's just... extremely unlikely to have two Determination souls in one time period. And, we know that, at any given time, the unlikely can become likely. 

Gaster: ...True. Does that mean it's possible for Agate to have a Fear soul as well as you? 

Betty: Yeah, though what's weird about that is, she seemed to have a Bravery soul again when she was revived... and, I know HATE can invert a soul trait if one wills it. She might have found the HATE I once had and let it... well...

Gaster: It's a likely possibility. But for now, let's not focus on that. 

(As Betty sets her empty plate down on the counter, Gaster thinks about something...)

Gaster: Betty?

(Betty hears Gaster and turns around.)

Gaster: May I... see your soul? I'm just curious to know what it looks like now that you have Determination. 

Betty: Oh, sure. 

(Betty takes out her soul, now a mix of pink Fear and red Determination. Gaster and everyone else in the room stare in awe. Meanwhile, Frisk and Chara discuss Betty's Determination.)

Chara: Wait, so Betty has Determination now?

Frisk: Yeah... and, apparently, it's been there for a while now. 

Chara: Wait, don't we have Determination... souls...?

Frisk: Wait, how did she get two Determination souls to exist at the same time? This... this is crazy, it's confusing me just thinking about it. 

(Sans enters the backyard, motioning for Frisk and Chara to follow him.)

Sans: Guys, you have to come see this. 

(Sans then leaves, and Frisk and Chara look at each other.)

Chara: I suppose... we shouldn't dwell on the thought too much. 

(Chara and Frisk go inside and see Betty's soul.)

Chara: (under breath to Frisk) Wow, you weren't kidding. 

(Jessica enters and sees Betty's soul as well.)

Jessica: Oh, wow...

Asgore: Hello, Ms. Grey. We sure haven't seen you in a while. 

Jessica: Oh, sorry for not telling you I left. Ronan and Rave were helping me modify the AMR so it wouldn't crack the user's soul. Now, the power source is mainly magic, though a human's - or monster's - magic won't be drained when they use this. 

Undyne: Wow, that's really cool!

Jessica: Thank you!

(As soon as Jessica says that...)

Betty: Guys, I have an idea. This will help with our plan. 

(A bright flash of white light is released as Betty revives Papyrus and Alphys. Everyone is surprised, while Undyne and Sans are nearly in tears.)

Betty: You're welcome. Now, what say we start planning to fight the other Soul of Fear?

(Episode 3 will come ASAP! I'm on Spring Break now, so I'll have a lot of time to work on this!)

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