Episode 2: Fear (Part 1)

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Chara: So, how do we play this? We know Determination counters Fear, but Fear against Fear? Surely that would end in a tie, right?

Gaster: Well, it mainly depends on who is stronger. And don't forget, Betty still has us as backup. 

Betty: Not to mention that victory isn't always guaranteed for Determination and Fear when they clash against each other. Besides, I'm not even leaving yet. Gaster wanted to help me test the range of my new abilities and what they actually are. 

Frisk: Mind if me and Sans join you? I mean, Gaster does have to look at the machine to get results, and he can't really be fighting you at the same time, can he?

Betty: Oh, sure!

(In Gaster's lab)

Gaster: Alright, Betty, I went ahead and connected the machine to your magic output and yours only. Just start fighting and the results will be coming in. 

Betty: Remember, you guys, this is just for the results. Nothing personal. 

Sans & Frisk: Yeah, we know.

(As Betty fights against Sans and Frisk, Gaster receives some... interesting data on his screen.)

Frisk: Gaster, have you gotten those results?

Gaster: Yeah... but something doesn't seem to be correct... though, I suppose you could stop fighting seeing as nothing is changing. 

Sans: Well, what's the problem?

Gaster: According to the data, traces of the Determination trait have been found in your soul, Betty. It looks like it's becoming a soul that has two different traits. 

Frisk: That's weird. Where could you possibly have gotten Determination from?

(Betty goes back to her experience in the Void when she created the Restore option. Only a mass amount of Determination could do something like that...)

Betty: I think it's best if I don't explain that to you. It'd be kinda hard. 

Sans: Well, as much as we're puzzling over this, I think we should head back. We need to start putting our plan into action. 

Betty: Yeah. You're right.

(Later, out on the streets of the city on the surface...)

Frisk: (noticing that Betty seems to be looking a little down) Uh, Betty? Are you okay? 

Betty: Huh? Oh, yeah, I just... think this might be the first time I've ever felt like I need to eat. 

Frisk: Wait, you're actually human? Is that why you were asking me to kill you earlier?

Betty: Y'know, I'd rather not go back to that. 

Frisk: Well, okay. Since you're hungry, I'll ask Mom, or Toriel, to make you some butterscotch pie. Trust me, you'll like it. 

Betty: Alright, I'm down for that. 

(A magic blast hits the group out of nowhere, and Agate appears out of the smoke.)

Agate: Hello, my creation. 

Frisk: And you must be Agate. 

Agate: Oh, Betty, did you forget the purpose I gave you? After all, I see you aligned yourself with what we were supposed to go against. Ah, well. It doesn't matter now. After all, I don't need you anymore, since I'm alive to finish the job myself!

Betty: I'm not going to let you finish what we tried to start. 

Agate: You wish to defeat me? I'd like to see you try. Your power is below mine now.

Betty: Oh, really? Well, if you think that... how about we test it, Agate?

(Betty's outfit suddenly switches rapidly from shades of pink to shades of red, and she creates a Sword Of Determination and a Shield Of Determination, taking the entire group - and Agate - by surprise.)

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