I've been hanging around Tamaki too much.

Suddenly a hand moved around my waist and pulled me along through the tunnel.

"Just breathe", Todoroki said as he guided me towards the stadium field. "We're going to be fine. Plus ultra, right?"

"Plus ultra", I softly repeated.

I took a few deep breaths and blinked against the bright light as we walked out onto the field. The crowd's cheering was deafening.

I looked for one specific section of the audience and spotted my parents. We always sat in that part of the stadium. They were the most expensive seats.

"Thank you, Sho-chan", I mumbled. "I feel better now."

"Good", he answered, but he didn't remove his arm around my waist.

I noticed Bakugo glaring at me and Midoriya looked very surprised when Todoroki and I joined the rest of the class on the field. We waited as the other classes were announced and joined us as well.

I grunted when I saw Midnight on the stage. That woman was not normal.

"Welcome to The U.A. Sports Festival!", she announced.

"What is Midnight wearing?", someone asked.

"She's the R-rated hero", someone else commented.

"Should she even be at a high school if she's R-rated?", I asked.

"Yes!", Mineta yelled without hesitation.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Midnight again.

"Please welcome the player representative, Katsuki Bakugo!", she said.


Bakugo casually walked onto the stage and up to the microphone.

"I swear... I will win."

That was all he said before stepping back. I internally cursed him for making everyone hate us.

"Alright! The first round will be... this!", Midnight said as she pointed at the screen behind her. "An obstacle course!"

She continued to explain how we had to run the course around the stadium. A total of 4 kilometers.

"As long as you stay on the track, everything is fair game", she eventually added. "Teleporters can't teleport out of the stadium and then back in. That won't count. You are allowed to teleport across the course."

She looked straight at me as she said the last part. I'd already expected that, so I wasn't surprised.

I looked at the tunnel we were supposed to run out of. Then I looked around the field and realized something.

Obstacle one. Tiny tunnel. It'll be hell to get through.

Midnight started counting down and I sidestepped to remove Todoroki's arm around my waist. Then I turned to him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Thank you for helping me, Sho-chan", I sincerely said. "I would still be in that tunnel if it weren't for you."

I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him on his cheek. A blush immediately flushed his cheeks.

"I'll do my very best to beat you", I said. "Good luck."

"Start!", Midnight shouted.

I took a step back and teleported out of the stadium.

I grinned as I heard the commotion in the tunnel and started running.

I can't teleport all the time. I'll overexert myself. If I'm not careful I won't be able to teleport when I really need to.

Before I Forget || Bakugo X fem! reader X Todoroki || DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now