Part 7

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Hey sorry I have not posted lately I got stuck  binge watching something and i couldn't stop then I loved it so much that I watching it again but now I know what is going to happen I can try to take my time any way thank you for reading and I know that barely anyone reads this but the onec's that do if  you could just tell me what you thought of it and then and idea that you might want to see happen I might start a side story book with the suggestions and each one will be its own chapter so it is basically a mine story 


I don't know how Shiro feels about this I mean yes it is the spring holidays but I haven't been home since the start of the week and it's been almost a week.Lance's mother doesn't mind thought she likes it she says that its like having another son.

"Keith you ok I'v been calling you for three minuets and you haven't answered"?
"Hmm? oh um yeah I'm fine just not hungry that's all tell your mum it's  nothing personal I just don't eat much that's why you can see all of my muscles I'm so skinny that they are too big for my skin but don't tell her that jut that I'm not hungry"Keith ended with a sigh and flopped down on to Lances bed wile Lance left the room he got a text from Shiro that read
"Hey Keith when u coming home I MISS U"
Oh God Shiro must be drunk well with me out of the house he and Adam can do what ever he wasnt's cause he knows that Lances mum would be keeping him in check.

And after he confronted Adam about how drunk Shiro was Keith climbed out of Lances bedroom window to go for a smoke just a little away from the house and when he finished he climbed  back in through the window but as he did and went to go sit on the bed he through up blood but before he could get more than a drop of it on the carpet he garbed his bag full of cloths and through up and  before he could be sick again he calmly but with a quick pace walked down the stars pasted the dinning room and in to the bathroom were he couldn't hold it in anymore
some time went by of Keith being sick that Lance went to go check on him 

Keith waked passed the table with a calm face but he walked so fast that there had to be something wrong but after about 15 minuets I went to go check on him as he had been in there a long time so I excused my self from the table and tapped on the bathroom door and said "Keith u ok it's Lance"? and all I got was a groan "I'm gonna need a little more than that to now that you all right" but all I got back was Keith being sick so I asked Keith if he could open the door so I can help if he wanted it and oh boy I'v never seen a door open faster in my life and I was then sucked in to the bathroom and there was just blood everywhere and in my head I thought Keith has to be on his period or something right cause if not i don't think that he can be awake much longer and then as if on cue he just through up about maybe and a half leters of blood and he was trying to keep it all in the toilet to keep for more cleaning to be done.
I garbed the mop and a few towels and my mum and I got to work,wile I cleaned my mum had Veronica call 911 and she grabbed a bucket and asked me to call someone that he was close to so I called his brother Shiro and in under two minets but he didn't have the answer to wah was going on with him so they had to take him to the hospital but but the time they had got in to the car he was out cold but still throughing up blood.


When they finally got to the hospital he was seen by a doctor right away 
*small time skip of a few hours after Keith was taken by the doctor*
they had got him to stop being sick and had ran a few tests and found out what had been causing all of it but Keith didn't want to share it, before thy discharged him they gave him a bottle of pills and told him to take two a day and when they run out that he should come back to get more and then the doctor whisperer to Keith that he should stop smoking he want's to stop all the blood.

All the way to Keith's place Lance begged him to tell him what it was until finally he had enough and showed him the label on the bottle that read:LUNG CANCER PILLS TOW A DAY
and that shut Lance up when they got to the house Lance only went in to tuck Keith in bed and give him a kiss and go home but he did text him every so often just to be safe 
As everyone else were still wondering what he had they all went to Lance and he told them he sent a pick of the bottle and told them not to talk about it its a mushy subject and he wanted to be alone.

well thank you for reading but I KNOW THAT CANCER IS A VERY TOUCHY SUBJECT

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