The start of it all

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*Lances POV*

So I was just walking home late as I was at Hunks house 'cause he was helping me study and stuff, well I say 'helped' but really he just sat there and ate food and was on the Skype with Pidge and they were basically shouting so it was super hard to consecrate on studying and you must be wondering 'Lance why do you need to study and why are you at Hunks house studying'

Well if you must know I was studying 'cause i need the extra credit for my physics class its just so hard for me to get my head round and my teacher keeps saying that only extra credit can save my grades now and as I'm Spanish my mum would go CRAZY if I get less than an C- and right now I'm getting an average of 23 out of all of my test scores for this semester and I don't even want to talk about last semester.....

And I was at Hunks house 'cause he said he would help me study for my make-up test and my extra credit but he didn't and just talked to Pidge like Physics was so easy and that it was like a whole another language to me and I speak like 3 which are English ,Spanish and French but I can only speak broken sentences of French.


As Lance was waling home on a nice warm spring evening as the sun was setting Lance was thinking how his mum was gonna whooped his ass for being home so late and he was going to get grounded 'cause his mum wont believe that he's failing physics and was trying to do his extra credit but she would just think that he's not telling the truth. I mean my family already thinks that his gay so every time he come home late they think he's been with this boy.


It was a normal day and Lance had called his mum to tell her he was going to be home late and that he was going to re sit his physics exam 'cause he didn't do so well the first time and he didn't want her to kick his ass when he got home for being late as he had told her and that he had a girlfriend and her name was Allora and they would hang out when he would go to the library to study but she didn't see too convinced but he didn't care as long as he tolled her that and got that off his chess and straight and as he was walking out of his English class he saw a boy standing next to Shiro and he looked pretty cute and Lance had walked up
to him and did't mean to do it but the boy didn't even see him.


Oh my god that boy is so cute wait no what am I thinking I will never prove to my family that I'm straight if I like him and that's when it happened Shiro called me over to meat the new kid and I was a little giddy and a little happy as I think I night have a little crush on him but that wont matter if my love for Allora it true that this little puppy love crush will blow over in a day.


"Hey Lance come over here I got someone I want ya' to meat"! Shiro shouted from down the hall by the lockers so Lance did as he asked and walked over there "Hey Shiro how ya' doing "? Lance asked and Shiro replied "I'm ok but I want you to meant my little bro this is Keith and hes new here and I believe that hes in the same year as you and he is taking the Grison entry test and I'm still waiting on mine but I hope I get in" Lance gave a blank star towards Keith and like a sweet little polite young man Keith introduced himself "Hi I'm Keith and you are"? Lance snapped out of the blank star he had towards Keith and gave him a little smile as he went to introduce himself "Hi I'm Lance it'-"when he was pushed into Keith by Hunk and Pidge playing about in the halls trying to find Lance and ''accidentally'' bumped in to Lance and he was launched at Keith and the kissed and the were slammed onto the floor and Lance was on top of Keith and thy were just staring at echothers eyes but the were snapped out of it when a drop of crimson red blood dripped onto Keith pail wight skin and then Lance fainted and Keith took him to the nurses office and Keith stayed as he had hit his head on the floor really hard and the back of his head was bleeding and when Lance finally woke up he was a little confused why he was there and why Keith was there and then as if on cue Shiro , Pidge,Hunk and Adam all walked into the room and that's when they saw Keith doing a light peck to Lances forehead as he didn't know that he was already awake and they all stood there with there jaws hitting the floor Keith didn't notice but Lance had moved so that Keith was kissing his lips and Lance was kissing back and he didn't want to kiss to hard or he would notice until Keith pulled away from Lances lips.


I just pecked a little kiss on the forehe- oh no nonononon nononon noooo did he move or did I jut kiss him on the lips this was the whole reason that I transfered to this school.


Shiro cleared his throut to get Keith's attention and Keith turned to see his big brother Adam and Lances two friends "h-h-how long were you guys standing there"? "we were standing here for long enough to see you kiss Lance and then relies that we were here and then that leads us to now" Pidge answered in an exam style but all Keith got was that they saw him kiss Lance and the nurse said that he was free to leave but he stayed to make sure that Lance would be ok when he wakes up and when he got up from the bed Lance grabbed Keith's leather jacket and lightly tugged on it to try to pull him back to the side of the bed but he jut took Lances hand off him and when home Shiro called out to him to stop him and Keith turned and gave him the most sour look he could muster to try to cover up all the tears and embarrassment and Shiro just asked if he could go to the class room S 15 and wait out side and few miners later Lance walked into the classroom and pulled Keith into it and made sure that they were in the only corner that there were no cameras.

Keiths POV

Lance showed up to the classroom and dragged me in to it and pushed me into a corner and the he just kissed me....

Oh look a cliffhanger SOS but i will post tomorrow though I know that this will probably not be a big fic but i mainly writ cause I like to and it lets me get out all of my creative steam but I NEED SLEEP AND COFFEE so night

A klance fic (i have no clue what to call this)Where stories live. Discover now