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OK so I'm sorry to disappoint you guys, but this is not an update, yes I am aware that I made this book almost 3-4 years ago. Yes I'm still a kid when I made this, and yes I didn't have any plot planned out.

But please guys, if you don't like this kind of stories, or you hate the process of the book please stop commenting bad stuff, yes I don't publish this book that often anymore, because I don't have the time, I have studies.

Keep in mind that I'm still a kid writing this book so the book will probably s**k

If you really don't like this story/book that I made, then don't read it, is that too hard? You don't need to rub it in. Yes I don't know what I will do to this story anymore, I wanted to delete this but I couldn't cause some of you still reads and likes this book so I let it be.

I know I'm overreacting, but I'm already stressed, don't judge the story that I made.

(spoiler) the reason that Tomoe and my avatar (Micah/neko-chan) is close its because in the story I'm his sister that had died and has been reincarnated!! Yehet!

Some of you hated this book, I won't judge nor hate you, but you don't need to let me know just stop reading this book! PLEASE!

And no I'm not angry at anyone dont worry guys i do love my readers and good news i will continue this story with my twin Ryuichi Shirogane also known as @Cutedrawgirls_Shadow

Ryu: hello guys! This is me! Yeah... Im actually happy that Neko finally message me, asking if I wanted to help her out so I said yes! I wouldn't miss this chance, so some chapters will change its writing style. Buh bai!

So we wont update frequently cause we both have classes, thats all. Bye!

Peace out!

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