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Omg mina-san gomen I really am I got a major writers block and even thou I'm always reading a book I can't think of a story.

I hope all of you are still reading this I know you hate author notes but gomen.....


Tomoe: I hate you Neko-chan

Me: T-Tomoe g-gomen 😢

Tomoe: you left us Neko-chan, you left at least in... I CANT EVEN REMEMBER WHEN!! 😡

Me: *shock because Tomoe never yell or said something like that* I-I understand if you hate me... 😔

Tomoe: *leaves*

Me: *sobbing* 😭

Nanami: N-Neko-chan?

Me: oh Nanami-san *wiping the tears* *sigh* go ahead lecture me,  lecture me because I left this book hanging

Nanami: i wouldn't do that

Me: why?

Nanami: well...I know you had a practice for your group in mapeh and your the leader practicing them to sing and and you got sick, you had a long quiz, quiz, exam, group practice for science to make song about your topic and having a hard time

and your birthday you helped your mother and father to cook I didn't say this because your 13 but still act like a little girl yeah you make your family happy but you are now a teenager then act like one make up for you absence you can do it

Me: thanks Nanami-san

You: (reply to tell me what do you what to say pls. Tell me)

Me: I'm sorry/thanks (pick an answer depending what you said) well time to leave

~peace out 😳

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